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Pictured: A Feral suffering from Giga-Retard Syndrome. He displays complete alienation from anything resembling a rational thought, and he has an anti-matter black hole for a head. The perpetrators of this awful crime have not yet been identified.

Antimatter (aka Sharty Killing Coal or Coal 2) is a newer, more potent form of Brimstone. Its quality is so atrocious that it gets universally hated by every Chud. Sometimes, certain examples of Antimatter can't even be named due to how ugly and terrible it is. Another sign that it is Antimatter is if jannies hate it and it gets banned, but this also happens with higher quality posts.

Nothing can transform into antimatter, it can only be created. It's impossible to make antimatter of an existing variant. Instead, it is more feasible to create an antimatter variant, which is what the entire Poopson saga was about.

In a study on death row inmates[1], soychologists found that creators of Antimatter (referred to as Supernigrum Lapis Improbus within the study) tested high in psychopathic traits, roughly the same as murderers, and cases of schizophrenia occurred 2000% more often than within the general death row population.

In relation to other rankings[edit | edit source]

Antimatter is the second rarest known quality of post. It is only more common than a sharty saving diamond glisterald, which hasn't been identified yet. Scientists have concluded that this is due to the fact that the average soyteen has a higher capacity to seethe than to appreciate a proper gem.

Examples of Antimatter[edit | edit source]

  • Poopson (Poopson however, might be worse than antimatter, and will invent a new tier below antimatter)
  • Cobbess - Deranged drawing from minus8. So coaly that his social media presence got nuked by soyteens. The variant itself also got banned within most of the Soysphere.
  • P*tra - Draws universal hate from chuds and troons alike, and from 4cucks and predditors. This is the definitive NAS antimatter, so unbearably awful that it may even be classified as a quasi-poopson or pseudo-coal 3.
  • Brojak - NAP, but still awful past-brimstone stage.
  • Giggly Goonclown - "I'd rather see cartel execution videos" -Anonymous
  • Variant:Unknowns - As a group, they are not necessarily antimatter, but a few do reach this category of awfulness. Some of them get buried in the 'ru.
  • You[You just are, okay?] - i transheart 20 year old jokes from oldfag drama wiki

Other Coal Rankings[edit | edit source]

  • Coal 3 (aka World Ending Coal) is the ultimate form of coal, something that is so incredibly coaly that it ends the world, due to civilization being heavily demoralized and damaged by this coal. Even the most remote tribes aren't safe from Coal 3.
  • Coal 4 Tranime
  • Coal 5 is the worst thing to ever exist. Soyience reports it's the worst thing that could come to soyumanity and will explode everyone. It's darker than coal.
  • Coal 6 is beyond coal, the unknown. We don't know what beyond coal 5, and don't want to.[it just is, ok?]
The tiers of coal. Tranime is also coal.
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Citations[edit source]

  1. Inside the Minds of Death Row Inmates, 2019 - Soyschwartz & SoyDonald
is part of a series on
the coal that is killing /soy/
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