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April Fools' Day

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April Fools' Day is an annual custom on April the 1st consisting of jokes and pranks. The jokes may be perpetrated by individuals as well as mass media and other actors.

April Fools' Day on imageboards[edit | edit source]

April Fools' jokes have been perpetrated by several imageboards, including 4chan and

4chan[edit | edit source]


2005[edit | edit source]

/fur/ is created, which acted as a honeypot that banned everyone who posted on it for one month.

2012[edit | edit source]

/pol/ is given a communist makeover.

2013[edit | edit source]

/s4s/ is created, mirroring the subreddit shitredditsays which had gained significant notoriety on 4chan at that time.

2014[edit | edit source]

An example of the captcha

Japanese captchas were implemented.

2015[edit | edit source]


An office assistant called Sticky was added to the bottom right of the screen.

2016[edit | edit source]

A collection of name GETs. A higher resolution version can be found here

4chan is stylized to resemble Google+, and every post is given a random name. This led to anons hunting for certain name combinations, most infamously game writer Anthony Burch, which nobody managed to achieve.

2017[edit | edit source]

The following boards were merged together:

  • /mlp/ + /pol/ -> /mlpol/ - My Little Politics
  • /v/ + /int/ -> /vint/ - International Vidya
  • /fit/ + /lit/ -> /fitlit/ - Well-Rounded Citizens
  • /fa/ + /p/ -> /fap/ - Fashion & Photography
  • /co/ + /ck/ -> /cock/ - Comics & Cartoons & Cooking
  • /c/ + /an/ -> /can/ - Animals/Cute
  • /m/ + /o/ -> /mo/ - Mecha & Auto
  • /mu/ + /tv/ -> /mtv/ - Video Killed The Radio Star
  • /out/ + /soc/ -> /outsoc/ - Outdoor Socialization
  • /sp/ + /a/ -> /spa/ - Tanoshii Sports

2018[edit | edit source]

Chocolatetards BTFO

Each poster was randomly assigned to one of five teams themed around common Easter candies based on their IPv4 address[1]: Team Peanut Butter, Team Chocolate, Team Peep, Team Creme and Team Mini, and were tasked with earning points through an undocumented metric.

2019[edit | edit source]

A like button was added to posts.

2020[edit | edit source]

In response to a certain pandemic, users are randomly infected, and can spread via other posters replying to the infected post.

2021[edit | edit source]

A rake button gets added in every post, /qb/- Quebec is created, a counter on how many canadians there are on a given board shows up (some speculate this number was autogenerated), and flags were removed from every board that had them. An user could click on the rake to report canadians to 'deport' to /qb/, although a warning before doing so warned that false reports will result in deportation as well. /qb/ was a red board with no topic with every post having a canadian flag, that had the anthem of Canada sounding in the background.

2022[edit | edit source]

A system of emoticons was introduced were an user could click on emoticons on a post to 'witness them', to buy with points given on random intervals later.

2023[edit | edit source]

A random chance of getting a "Powered by GPT-4chan" watermark at the bottom right of a post, along with a randomized name.

Powered by GPT-4chan

2024[edit | edit source]

The Yotsuba Stock Exchange is launched with 18 stocks available to trade. Users were given special titles based on the total value of the user's portfolio.

Title Total Portfolio Value Needed
Destitute Investor <1,000
Helpless Investor 1,000
Poor Investor 2,000
Fledgling Investor 5,000
Aspiring Investor 50,000
Rich Investor 500,000
Anonymous Magnate 2,000,000
Anonymous Mogul 5,000,000

Once a user has at least 10 shares of a stock, they would be able to publicly display it on their post by adding the name prefixed with a $ symbol in the options field. In addition to an image representing the stock, certain stocks were given bonus effects.

Stock Image Bonus Effect


Extra padding is added around the post

Hovering over the image reveals an alternate image

Post is desaturated including the image

>greentext becomes >rainbowtext
SICP λ Text is presented in a monospace font

Text size is slightly increased

Name and image are given a slight glow (Tomorrow theme only)


A non interactable upvote and downvote button is added to the left of the post

Post is signed with DESU




Hovering over the image reveals an alternate image

Soyjak Party[edit | edit source]

2021[edit | edit source]

A message was added on top of the website that read like the following:

Your IP ([Current IP Address]) has been logged by the FBI for browsing the following category: SUSPICIOUS WEBSITE - TERRORISM | For more info see:[2]

The link lead to an image of Trollface.

2022[edit | edit source]

The joke consisted of the addition of a temporary word filter.[3] The following words were filtered:
soy = onions (in reference to the word filter on 4chan)
gem = coal
sharty = (in reference to the now-deleted 4chan board)
bbc = bbcoal
bwc = bwchud
remilia = axe wound (in reference to a tripfag)

2023[edit | edit source] redesigns itself to look more like Discord.[4] Forced anonymity is disabled. A new board called /lgbt/ is added.[5] Several wordfilters are added:
gem = valid
coal = problematic
nigger = BLACK KING
troon = girl
tranny = woman
tsmt = this!~ :3
4cuck = #trans-diaper-rp (not 4chan)
sharty = @everyone (not

2024[edit | edit source]

The Sharty gets a complete makeover with Frutiger Aero aesthetics. Several new boards are created. Voluminous wordfilters put in place to replace soyspeak with early 2000s internet slang. Party Pal is added. Ominous red eye thing (also a part of Party Pal) is added.

The following boards were added:

  • /aero/ - Frootyger Aerthough — for sharing your favorite frutiger aero and Y2K aesthetic images.
  • /cafe/ - Drama Cafe — dedicated to sharing internet and hobby drama.
  • /gme/ - Game FAQs — for sharing tips and tricks in video games, asking questions about how to beat a boss or level, or simply talking about your favorite games and characters.
  • /img/ - Image Macros — for sharing your favorite and funny image macros!
  • /kitty/ - Hello Kitty & Sanrio — dedicated to posting all about Hello Kitty, My Melody, Kuromi, Aggretsuko, Gudetama, and more!
  • /s/ - Sexy Handsome Soyboys — dedicated to sharing images of real life soyboys.
  • /spice/ - Ice Spice Internet Fan Club — for dishing gossip all about Ice Spice, the internet's favorite pop star!
  • /tan/ - SOY-TAN!!— SHE IS TEH BEST MASCOT EVAR. Keep it SFW Plz! o_O[6]
  • /u/ - Heyuri — dedicated to discussing Heyuri, the largest western imageboard on the net, known as the "English 2chan". They're even bigger than us! Please visit us, Kaguya-san! (ノ∇≦*)つ☆
  • /w/ - Wallpapers — for the sharing of normal and soyjak-themed wallpapers.

The following boards were adjusted:

  • /a/ - Anime & Manga — for talking about what's HOT like Azumanga Daioh, Inuyasha, Neon Genesis Evangelion!
  • /yyyyyyy/ - RANDUM — yodlyahshga LMAO xD

SoyBooru[edit | edit source]

2023[edit | edit source]

SoyBooru becomes TheFrogPond, which is a booru for Pepe the Frog.[7] Seeing as how this change made the normal Booru inaccessible, this immediately became extremely unpopular, and it was reverted before the day ended.

Soyjak Wiki[edit | edit source]

2023[edit | edit source]

Soyjak Wiki makes itself look very similar to a website (minus the ads and slowness, but with all the ugliness).[8] Some pages and wording are modified to look more like

Citations[edit | edit source]