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Coffee is a drink that is made out of ground coffee beans and its discovery is allocated to the countries of Ethiopia and Yemen. In it's pure, unadultered form it is a brownish colour and contains the stimulant caffeine.

When Soyjaks and/or wagies feel tired after waking up, they like to drink it to get ready for their grinding job as moderators on Reddit and/or McDonalds, even doe this will create a vicious cycle and just make them more tired.

Soyjaks enjoy a variety of coffees. Some choose to include soy milk in their drink, due to their lactose intolerance. Pumpkin spice latte is the favorite drink of Femjak and Troonjak. On the other side of the spectrum, soyjaks like Cobson always ask for black coffee for their manliness larp. Alcoholics prefer White Russian coffee. Another choice is decaf, which is enjoyed most often by homosexual soyjaks.

How coffee is made

Cafes, originally an aryan invention finding its origins in Vienna, were subverted by da joos, leading to the creation of the largest cafe chain in the world, Starbucks, also known as Goybucks. Starbucks is commonly enjoyed by anti-establishment soyjaks, troons and leftycucks, where they often relax in the le wholesome rustic aesthetic while sipping on their industrial factory-produced covfefe mined(YOU CAN'T FUCKING MINE COFFEE THERE IS NOT COFFEE IN THE GROUND IT'S JUST A FIGURE OF SPEECH YOU STUPID CHUD) by starving African children.