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This nigga is an Aspie

Please remind him to breathe deeply from the toilet bowl.

Only cool people get to have my fruit snacks chud!
Edit: Thanks for the gold kind stranger!
Really well meme'd my friend!


Two Soyjaks Pointing
Traced FromDeadliest Catch: Sea of Chaos
Based OnTwo Soyjaks Pointing

CrabJak is a traced from the HIT game Deadliest Catch: Sea of Chaos, made in 2010, by some Redditor. Usually, Reddit trash is not welcomed, but one guy decided to tattoo some niche-ass thing on his calf AKA Frank Hassle, another fattie edgelord.

CrabJak is part of a series on
Soyjak variants
Main variants [-+]

Variants with over 1,000 Booru posts

Classic SoyjakA24 Slow-Burn SoyjakGapejakMarkiplier SoyjakBerndFeraljakCobsonImpish Soyak EarsMeximutt

Other variants [-+]
Subvariants [-+]
Soyjak trends [-+]
By artform [-+]
NAS [-+]

Main article: NAS

WojakNon-Wojak SoysWikipe-tanNPCChudjakSoytanGigachadPepeSoySubaChadjakPissluffarePetraPoopyPoopsonBoykisserEnbiePink-Haired Enbie