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Daylight Cycle

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Much has argued spontaneusley about how europeans are trannies and ameriGODs are gemmers, this phenomenon came to be because of the high amount of coal and trannies that post in european hours both here and on 4chan. Amerikaners are mostly concerned with trump, miga and however the burger is flipped. Their compatriot brazilians and spics post coombait on the /int/, often with the frase "Do you want to find love in"- and then insert whatever shithole's women they choose to fetishize that day. Eroack'rers are mostly concerned with posting trannime, cuck porn, porn, trannie selfies, complaining about muslims, posting russia gore threads and some obscure fun facts nobody gives a shit about. Proofs?

here we see euro hours at its finest

and here we see american hours at their finest

Marge? This doesn't add up... The brazilians are posting between 10 a.m. up until midnight, with activity peaking in the 3 p.m. - 10 p.m. time range (U.T.C.). However, the examples of posts made by europeans are actually made by americans, canadians, 'strayans, brazilians, and russians. Not the first thing that comes to mind when one thinks of europeans... Even more curiously, the real w*stern europeans post between 1 p.m. to midnight, and their activity peaks between 3 p.m. and 7 p.m. (U.T.C.). These hours have significant overlap, in spite of being associated with people in different time zones.

notice how they're both coomers but at least one is not fucking degenerate self-castrating faggots but brown skinned, red blooded males with the urge to impregnate

also some day i will explain why everyone fucking hates india[Marge, you still haven't explained...]

>inb4 /int/ tourist

we all are retard

anyways im a lazy shit i wont write this till later so words words words

Has americord / eurocord woken up?[edit | edit source]

Going by the Coordinated Universal Time (U.T.C.), amerimutts are, in theory, active from around 10 a.m. up until 1 a.m., with amerimutt activity hitting its peak from 12 p.m. to 9 p.m., whereas euromutts are, in theory, active between 4 a.m. up until 7 p.m., and their coal peaks between 6 a.m. to 15 p.m., but as you've seen above, in practice this euro hours / american hours hypothesis is a little unsubstantiated.

Marge, what's a U.T.C.?[edit | edit source]

One can use a simple method to determine whether amerimutts / euromutts are probably active on the log, or whether they're probably asleep. But before we get into that, we need to clarify some things...

>>>le h*ccin' plebbit space!

Those who know what mutts are, are themselves probably either amerimutts or europoors. The few that aren't, are probably ACTUAL mutts from shitholes in the southern hemisphere, but nonetheless still in the same time-zones as the americans, or in the case of South Africa, europeans. The only native english speakers outside of the amerimutt and euromutt time-zones are 'strayans, unless you count hinglish speakers. As for E.S.L. speakers, you may find the occasional expat passport bro BVLL South-East Asian insectivore, or Siberian mongoloid.[Siberia is an irrelevent, uninhabited wasteland THOUGH. Most RUZZIANS live in Europe.]

Both euromutts and amerimutts are lazy little fucks who refuse to check the time, so without further ado, allow me to introduce you to a general rule of thumb:

For amerimutts and latnicks:

Check the time. If it's early in the morning and the time is between midnight and noon, chances are that euromutts are awake. If you want to be more specific, euromutt posts tend to be at their coaliest during 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. (10 to 14 on digital clocks). Strangely, you may spot a few occasional euromutt outliers at around ~2 a.m..

For euromutts and south africans:

Check the time. If the time is between 2 p.m. and 5 a.m., chances are that amerimutts are awake.

For rama-ramas:

If the time is between 2 p.m. and 5 a.m., you may find euromutts, whereas if the time is between 7 p.m. and 10 a.m., you may spot amerimutt activity. Watch out for the time period between 9 p.m. and 1 a.m., when both amerimutts and euromutts are at their most active, and they unite their forces to fill the board with their furphy. If that's too complicated, check out the image below:

Marge, wtf is a alternative text?
How the daylight cycle affects the typical browsing experience of someone who is neither american, nor european.

For gooks:

Same as 'Straya, but deduct by 3 hours, 'cause you're so good at maths.

For saars:

I could tell you the numbers, but I won't because fuck you. Go figure that on your own, Poojeet!