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>Though maybe you were looking for You?
⚠️ This page was written by heckin bigoted chudcels who are causing le heckin transgenocide! ⚠️
This page contains content with far-right themes such as bigotry and racism.

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>w-why did you *sniff* hit me?

If (You) have been offended by "Faggot",
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>Are the straights OK? yes they are doe

A faggot also known as Homosexuals, Fudge Packer and Queer is a male who is sexually attracted to other males. Faggots are gross BRAVE, unhealthy STRONG, & mentally ill UNIQUE. Fags are notorious for their nightclub culture, too bad god was a homophobic chudcel who made STDs, though. Faggots love all kinds of degenerate and unnatural sexual acts, which causes issues like anal prolapse, and high rates of diseases such as syphilis, monkeypox, and AIDs. Faggots are among you. In fact, at least half of (You) are.[1]

an example of a faggot on /qa/ asking for advice

Dykes[edit | edit source]

AKA Lesbians. The female equivalent of faggots, they hit each other a lot for some reason and post slop online about Yuri (lesbian romance anime) and how some anime is "queer-coded" even if has only one gay character. Azumanga Daioh, Lucky Star, Sailor Moon, and pretty much every anime with mostly female characters are all victims of this.

History[edit | edit source]

Cultures around the world have historically been homophobic, this is puzzling because homophobia is a LEARNED behavior therefore it not real or however the anus is prolapsed, this is probably due to chudcel space lasers or something like that. Since westerners love freedom so much, fags were finally heccing LIBERATED, quickly afterwards they all started dying of aids lol

Reception>even doe they are not a movie[edit | edit source]

Most cultures around the world rightfully condemned faggotry because its weird and disgusting, but around the 1970s, due to the concept of freedom in the western world, faggots banded together and created the LGBT community, pressuring people into accepting them and normalizing faggotry,. Around the same time, trannies were created, french philosophers tried normalizing pedophilia, and the fat acceptance movement was created.

God once nuked two towns called Sodom and Gomorrah because of their faggotry, which is a clear lesson; God hates fags.

Relation to other paraphilias[edit | edit source]

Open faggots, when asked about zoophiles, are quick to condemn them, however they struggle to rationalize condemning zoophilia because they're usually fine with enslaving and killing animals for human benefit. in reality; both are le bad because they're gross, unhealthy, and mentally ill. Open faggots are leftists, and therefore they are allies of trannies, but sometimes the mask slips and they act transphobic because trannies are unbearable.

See also[edit | edit source]

Citations[edit source]

  1. a 'teen posted a poll asking other 'teens if they're faggots after seeing /nate/ggers exchanging dick pics in a thread. Half of the 44 participants who voted said they're either bisexual, gay, or trans.