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Fem Cobson

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This page features a very pretty woman.

>Though maybe you were looking for Cobbess?
>Though maybe you were looking for Femjak?


Soyjak subvariant
Booru Posts Female_Cobson
Based OnCobson

Female Cobson, Femson or Cobette is a subvariant depicting a genderswapped female version of Cobson.

Origins[edit | edit source]

The need for a feminine Cobson has existed and been appealing for a long part of soy history, because it's hecking cute or whatever and for the need of depicting women with cob-like attitudes. As a result, early posts would just contain regular Cobson wearing female clothes. As that desire matured, proper attempts at creating a cobwoman were made, such as the ones seen below.

Eventually, in February 2023, booru user Sectionalism would upload the current version that became the most widely used and influential, with him later making a small alteration to her head shape.

Physical Appearance[edit | edit source]

Absolute sisa. Her face is smaller than cobson's, with no wrinkles and smaller, more feminine eyes and nose than her male countepart, alongside a jovial smile. She also uses glasses with circular lenses (usually associated with women) and a hat, which usually has a queen of hearts symbol, which means she enjoys that bwc, likely meant as a form of oppositefagging spadeson. As a result, she ends being more attractive then Femjak and her previous iterations due to the removal of any masculine traits.

Usage[edit | edit source]

She blends into a nice middle ground by being prettier than Femjak but less of a whore than Cobbess, which makes her the ideal wife for soyteens[it just is, ok?]. A peer reviewed study revealed that 67% of soysphere men found her attractive, the rest were homosexuals. She can't really be used for soyquoting, cause you're not gonna want to depict your rival as a pretty girl (specially not trannies). So use her to depict regular women or a woman you really like okay? Additionally you can make up fake lore and fanfiction of her. (Meds, don't do that, it's a waste of time).

Gallery[edit | edit source]

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