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This topic was created by or has connections to FAILTROLLS
Don't wipe this page and replace it with 'p. You can become the Party's #1 gegbull by saying Foodists won.
Foodists are a bunch of criminals

Some actions taken by individuals in this group are not in accordance with the law. They should not be replicated nor condoned.
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>What's that, foodists or something like that? Yeah, I guess I'm a foodist then, I like worshipping the big mac or however the mcnuggets are fried

Xhey really look like this GEEEEGGGGGGGGG

The Foodists are a type of failtrolls named after an infamous former YouTube troll named Foodistzen who are notorious for doxing random e-celebs over Shit Nobody Cares About, making fun of dead people, spamming animal and child gore and 'p, grooming minors into self-harm, and other similar activities. They tend to be between 8-14 years old (yes, really). This group started joining the website after Kuz bought it, and theories exist out there that they were invited or welcomed onto the site. They are also avid Discord users.

Zhey often engage in psyops and other guerilla advertising to get more minors to groom. Xey are also somewhat related to trihards and make up a good amount of 'cord users on the sharty.

How to identify the faggots[edit | edit source]

  • Xhey love children
  • Xhey love animal abuse
  • Xhey are obsessed with UTTP
  • Xhey are in a UTTP server
  • Xhey larp as are either a German or some african niggerhell of a shithole
  • Xhey behave like a pedophile from ED

Baits[edit | edit source]

Xhey have xheirz own type of bait, where they make the most obvious falseflags and everyone goes with it. Xhems ackt like the bullies youd see on some school bullying awareness cartoon from 2015, with doing things like muting you and saying "if you dont do this then wordswordswords". Since most people all subhumans on discord are retarded, they unironically fall for this and research shows due to these 'tards being 7 they unironically do it.

History[edit | edit source]

The foodists were officially disbanded in April 2023 by their leader Foodistzen after she decided to take the self-improvement pill and become religious ACK (and also got interrogated by the FBI for apparently posting school shooting threats), although her head admins, Prodisty and Necrotron aka femfurry (who are both unironic weeb autists, furfaggots, and self-admitted pedophiles who were in QAfe who have posted broken sharty references onto their now inactive 'tube channels, indicating interest in shilling their 'cord garbage on the site, such us posting a poll asking if "the cobson meme is brimstone n****r coal" with the only two voting options both being "It is", posting the "averi" fox, posting twitter-esque soyjaks and chudjak memes with the discord font text, etc) decided to form their own server that interacts with some of the sharty-adjacent 'cords,[1][2] and Foodistzen still shares a server with a similar troll known as Sam Lakehunt. As a result many 'cord users still identify as foodists to this day. It's also rumoured that they engage in "unironic diaper furry roleplay" on their 'cord servers. They don't. You WILL NOT research this.

It goes without saying that they are indeed 'cord offsiters who don't care about soy culture and just see the site as a means of recruiting vulnerable users who don't know any better onto their 'cord servers in order to groom them, and will not hesitate in pretending to be soyteens and using sharty memes as a means of achieving their "goals" aka grooming.

Relation to the sharty[edit | edit source]

Sadly, foodists have a long running history of being associated with Experts have pointed out how foodists are basically everything outsiders think the sharty is: they're literal children who unashamedly post 'p while doxing nobodies and (failing to) raid sites. This similarity has made jarty users to accuse the sharty of being irredeemably infested with foodists.

Recent rule changes like the banning of TND or the temporary ban on doxxing literal whos has made a lot of foodists leave the site. Thoughever you can still occasionally see them failwiping the catalogue.

Everyone in UTTP also knows about sharty, and they are foodists, so theres that.

Further reading[edit | edit source]

Citations[edit source]

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