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Forced meme

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Forced meme was created by or has connections to Der 'Cord
Don't nick change any kitten you see. Verify for the self harm server's 18+ channel to get free nitro and gore 'p.
All of these are forced memes?
Heccin' downvoted
An example of a forced meme. It's specifically an example of the Incredible Gassy and Soylita (or, more specifically, Alice) memes, the former being forced on the sharty by the severely autistic Filipino Zuken (a.k.a. dinoguy) and his fellow cabal of Discord trannies and the latter being forced by Red and other 'cord pedos.

Forced memes are memes that have been deemed to have risen out of artificial spamming by either one person or an otherwise tiny minority of people, rather than any organic development, genuine posting, and approval by the wider community. The term first arose out of old /b/ to label widely disliked spammed memes such as Milhouse and Epic Fail Guy, and it has since been used by communities across the Internet to label coally spammed memes, including the sharty.

Throughout the sharty's history, a lot of forced memes have arisen. Some died out like the FotM brimstone that they are, and others have made a huge impact on sharty culture and are still around to this day. It is important to note that the term "forced meme" is sometimes used as a general insult towards any meme that the user of the term dislikes, regardless of if the meme has actually been forced by da 'cord or not. With this denotational ambiguity, some leading soyologists have determined the term "forced meme" to have become a meaningless insult. However, there are still some objective metrics that we can use to determine if a meme is forced or not, such as if a Discord leak specifies that a 'cordtroon forced a certain meme on the 'arty or not.

Examples of forced memes on the 'arty[edit | edit source]

Ongezellig[edit | edit source]

Main article: Ongezellig

Ongezellig is a webtoon made by Studio Massa[1], and it is perhaps the most popular forced meme ever to have graced the sharty. Rumors are that the 'zellig meme started when a Dutch retard forced it on /qa/ and that it started gaining traction when a few people joined him in posting it after a few months, though this hasn't been 100% verified by Snopes and other trusted fact-checkers. Also, due to Ongezellig's obscurity among the English-speaking Internet at the time and the fact that no one was posting 'zellig before it started to get posted on /qa/, soyologists have safely concluded that this meme is a forced meme. It is notable for having started a ton of controversy on the 'arty due to its NASsy, tranime-like nature, allegations of it being offsiter/Discord coal, and accusations of the fans of the show being pedophiles due to the 'zellig cast being teenagers in high school, causing the 3rd Soyvil War and much more clitty leakage since. It eventually got exiled to soy/qa/, where most 'zellig memes on the 'arty are now posted. There was a 'zellig board that temporarily existed on the 'arty called /zellig/ during the 50 Board Plan, but Froot later revealed his true intentions when ze only allowed 2 pinned threads to be there, causing a migration back to /qa/. Froot closed /zellig/ soon after, leaving the zelligsisters without a home on the 'arty, though they have made their own site called

Amerimutt[edit | edit source]

Main article: Amerimutt

>forced meme is when I was forced to kneel every morning for the black pride history month or something

Amerimutt is a meme that makes fun of Americans using several stereotypes about them, or something. It started on 4cuck's /pol/ and gained much popularity there, or whatever.[2] At first, muttposting on the sharty was mostly NAS, and it was cracked down upon by the Kolyma administration that was ruling the site as of late 2022, or however the Holodomor happened. Eventually, muttposters mostly switched to using an IAS Amerimutt edit of Swedejak, or however the something or whatever. A second wave of muttposting stated to happen in October 2023 after it was repeatedly spammed by one 'cordtroon through the summer and early fall of 2023, and the sheer scale of the muttposting became so bad that it led to Euromutt being created and to the occurrence of the Mutt-Euro War, or however the faggots are obsessed. Eventually, muttposting declined in popularity, with everyone moving on to making fun of Mexicans using Meximutt and making fun of j@rtycvcks and other undesirables using Slopjaks, or however the Amerimutt dies from cardiac arrest.

Soylita[edit | edit source]

Main article: Soylita

Soylita is the most nasty NAS and is a subsubsubvariant of Gapejak which originated on late 2021, at least according to a file on this wiki that says that the file of Soylita dates to 27 December 2021.[3] It is perhaps the most controversial variant of a soyjak in 'arty history, and for good reason too since the combination of soy + lolita to make Soylita is inherently pedophilic. Soyologists have determined this meme to be forced due to it being entirely contradictory to soyjak culture since the fags who like this variant use the same regurgitated arguments and excuses that 4cuck lolifags use when someone calls them out on their pedophilia. Also, this variant has very little to no comedic value outside of making edgy ironic closeted pedo jokes. Red is known to like this NAS coal, even avatarfagging as the vantablack niggerstone Neutralita. At the beginning of his reign, Froot started to crack down on 'lita and shoyta posts, meaning that this variant finally got pushed out of the 'arty (and the 'ru as of December 2024). Nowadays, it is mostly a dead variant due to it being banned on most of the soysphere, though 'lita is still posted by pedophiles on the jassy.

Spadeson[edit | edit source]

Main article: Spadeson

Spadeson is a low effort, vantablack niggerstone edit of Cobson and a psychological weapon invented by the CIA in order to slow down TND by fooling chuds into thinking that Gemson is coally since he's used for racebait instead of the sharty saving gem that he actually is.[it just is, ok?] In all seriousness though, this variant arose on /qa/ on September 16th, 2021[4], where it was posted some times by anti-cobson /qa/nons[5][6] in order to stop the rise of Cobson and also the rise of the online National Socialist movement. The CIA eventually gave up on this effort due to it failing miserably, as most of their efforts do. However, this edit got picked back up on early 2022 by some racebaiters, who utilized it much more effectively that the CIA ever could and started spamming the 'log with this brimstone. To this day, Spadeson is still a common tool used by racebaiters to coal up the sharty and demoralize chuds into not browsing the 'arty anymore. It's true that the CIA became involved in the spamming of this variant again due to them seeing the success of this variant in demoralizing chuds and they are now funding the racebaiters so that they do their jobs better. CIA glowniggers WILL try to censor this and say it's just schizophrenic delusions, but they are WRONG! If you see this edit undoed, go to the history section and undo that revision so that the truth can stay documented on this wiki. THEY ARE COMING AFTER THIS WIKI, DO NOT LET THEM CENSOR THE TRUTH!

My Little Pony[edit | edit source]

Main article: My Little Pony

My Little Pony is a children's cartoon about some ponies that manchildren had taken a liking to. Before it started being unironically being posted and forced on the party by /mlp/ rapefugees, it was best known on the sharty for being a show that the legendary Lee Goldson despises being posted on 4chan so much that goes on an autistic crusade every time he sees it (even doe he actually watched the show and knows the most autistic little details about it) due to its connection with Barney. However, due to the sharty (i.e one faggot) apparently raiding /mlp/ Cytubes and TF2/GMod servers (take this statement with a grain of salt as the details are fuzzy), ponyfags started jumping over the border in the search for sharty gibs. During the latter half of Doll's reign, Doll was mostly accepting of them since he thought that diversity is our strength, so their posts were spammed on the log for a while, and brimmy edits of Doll as ponies started appearing because almost all ponytroons on the 'arty are Dollists due to his tolerance of them. However, Froot clamped down on ponyposts when his reign started, and ponyposting has mostly been relegated to soy/qa/ just like other forms of NAS.

Incredible Gassy[edit | edit source]

Not to be confused with that thing the Jews did in the gas chambers of Auschwitz. Incredible Gassy was a meme forced by the 17 year old foodist faggot Zuken (aka dinoguy/when u h), in which the meme is about a green fat farting Mr. Incredible jumping on a dildo.[7] The meme itself is NAS, and was forced on the sharty by making IAS edits such as "It's just getting gassy" and a traced gif of Cobson jumping on a BBC. The meme however, managed to find success in Xitter and on the mainstream web in general, and is considered "le slop". It is originally from Bobo Comics back in 2021 and NOT Zuken.

the theme song is gemmy doe:

Pepe the Frog[edit | edit source]

Related Articles and Sections: Demoralization Coal, Frenschan, Pepe#Frogposters, The Frog Pond ^organic albeit Main Article: Pepe

>soicacas won boooo

Pepe is forced /pol/ tranny coal that originated from an ancient 'toss named Boys Club. It obtained popularity on 4chan, where it is mostly used on /pol/ and /int/ boards by french faggots. On the sharty, it has gained prominence by sometimes being used by 'cordtrannies to push demoralization coal and call soyteens words like "nusoicaca" and "nusoislutta". The fed op Frenschan and the transgender safe space known as the Frog Pond are both based on Pepe, with the Frog Pond being a frequent raider of the sharty. Sometimes, frogposts can be gemmy doebeit.

Self-inserting[edit | edit source]

Main article: Self-insert syndrome

Self-inserting is when a soyteen portrays themselves as a soyjak of any kind. The reason why this is looked down upon is because the entire purpose of soyjaks are to mock and ridicule urbanite bugmen (ev&oe we ridicule much more than just soy boys), and positively (or neutrally in the case of Neutralplier) portraying yourself as any 'jak goes against said purpose. More common self-inserts include the aforementioned Neutralplier and self-inserting as Muscular Chud, which was made with the specific purpose of self-inserting.

Countrywars[edit | edit source]

Main article: Countrywars

Countrywars were originally an /int/ thing until I guess they got banned because of the rulecucking on 4caca so they moved to the booru, and now like 60% of the booru is countrywars. Some notable examples include the Italo-Argentine War and the Russo-Ukraine war and some other wars that never caught on (even doe Italy and Argentina don't even have countrywars irl). The reason why zey are forced is because most country war pairings make no sense, as the most popular one for example has Italy and Argentina duking it out for seemingly no reason at all.

Friday Night Funkin[edit | edit source]

Main article: FnF Pedo

The FNF pedo zimself

Friday Night Funkin is a Newgrounds game that was popular with algorithm sluts during the Covid-19 pandemic. While the normalfags have long since moved on to the new Current Thing, a few dedicated autistic pedophiles still talk and post about FNF in places such as 4cucks /trash/ and the sharty itself (sounds familiar?). The reason why this particular forced meme is special is because during the 3rd Soyvil War, when FNF pedophiles were trying to trick anti-zelligDEITIES into using FNF in order to attack zelligers, one schizo colloquially named as The Bulgarian thought that the FNFposters were all one person and called them the "FNF Pedo", which is supposedly a pedophile into FNF which is of Venezuelan ancestry. A soyjak of the FNF pedo was soon created after this in April 27th, 2023, depicting the FNF pedo as the swarthy bastard child of the Markiplier Soyjak and Chudjak. This gemmy edit originally went mostly unnoticed by soyteens, but it started gaining traction in late 2023 and became a mainstream (by sharty standards) phenomenon by 2024, where variations of it was used to depict brimstone posters of all types, though those variations were more specifically used to depict jartycvcks. This soyjak is also notable for being a precursor to Slopjaks (perhaps it is even a proto-slopjak?). Most 'teens don't believe that the FNF pedo actually exists, though some truthers still insist that zhe is real.

Its rumoured that the FNF Pedo Nigger 'jak is forced by FNF Pedos themselves.

Slopjaks[edit | edit source]

Despite being gemeralds, Slopjaks have been proven time and time again to be spread/spammed by 'cordniggers. Such 'cordniggers being users like Hamas 2, Astrofene, Kernunga/Blackskinaryan, The Bulgarian, and JoelWarlock, with the latter even being considered the creator of Slopjaks.

Poopson[edit | edit source]

Main article: Poopson

Originally a clever and gemmy joke, it quite quickly turned into a forced meme once oldtroon larpers began calling ANY new 'jak "Poopson" for no reason. Equally worse were the literal 12 year olds writing shitty creepypasta fanfiction about poopson.

Random MP4s/WEBMs[edit | edit source]

NAS schizocoal that frequently pollutes /soy/. They are usually spammed in a dedicated thread or on other, unrelated threads. The content is usually lifted off of TikTok, and revolves around Gen Alpha brainrot. This phenomenon started as a nightly raid. Can be somewhat gemmish at times, especially when the log is coally and boring. Some examples include that one AI-generated video of Rick Sanchez from Rick and Morty laughing while holding a gun and pictures and Tiktoks of one tranny cosplaying some variation of Yotsuba while spouting le heckin epic 4cuck references.


Jartygirl[edit | edit source]

A drawing of a feminized version of a jartycuck originally posted by an indian user. The main purpose seems to be of subverting the typical interpretation of the average jarty user in order to purposefully create goonslop as a form of ragebait.

Averi Fox[edit | edit source]

Incredibly vantablack forced furfaggot goon bait gravestone, likely coordinated in a 'cord. People try to justify her existence because "le chuddy far-right gemmy anthro mascot" but true soyteens know that the people who spam it are just trannies LARPing as real soyteens. They're probably also trying to EPI/groom soyteens into 'ooning to furnigger antimatter. Averi was popularized by Catsik and their cabals of pedos, who were behind the "mao's destruction" a disgusting event where they groomed a suicidal 15 years old girl into making actual CSAM. then they would record that, laugh at it and them spam those CSAM during the kuz/doll era.

Femjanny[edit | edit source]


This page features a very pretty woman.

Femjanny is a vantablack niggerbrim fetishistic depiction of the fenmale janny 06eb that furries goon to.

Mainly, it gets posted on /soy/ as bait (debatable), then moved to /nate/ in a silent war between its posters and the jannies. It gets moved to /nate/ because the people who spam it never post it non-sexually. If you're not a gooner, then stay out of these threads. If you are a gooner, however, consider the following:


Ugandan-X[edit | edit source]

Ugandan-X is a fictional namefag typically depicted using Meximutt, likely first seen on December 31st, 2024 or January 1st, 2025. He has evolved to both become a nigger and inflate his gigantic red lips to astronomical proportions. Although he is too young to determine his ranking, he appears to probably be an Iron or Rust. One of his favorite pastimes is looking at Kenyan feet pics.

Meds, he isn't actually a real person, it's just a bunch of larp that obsessed schlogteens made up about some tranny self inserting on /qa/. He is an obvious parody of Warrior-Z, a common target of SNCA SoyBooru wars.

Lennonjak[edit | edit source]

Lennonjak is a vantablack NAS "soyjak" traced off John Lennon from The Beatles or something like that, yeah. It was created no later than February 19, 2024[8] and is almost always used for self-inserting similar to Neutralplier or Pepe. There are rumors of there being other Beatlesjaks.

It is banned on the sharty due to allegedly being forced by a 'cord (posting it results in a 3-day ban) and used to be banned on the 'ru. As of February 2, 2025 it has 166 posts on the 'ru; almost all of which are brimstone but there are some anti-Lennonjak gemeralds. (You) VILL tag all Lennonjaks on the 'ru as variant:unknown and call them forced brimstone.

Froge[edit | edit source]

LAST SEEN: 02.16.2025, /soy/

Froge is a NAS Dave and Bambi and Touhou OC that was created by m1nty. On the sharty, Froge is a forced meme that would commonly be posted on frogposts, with the intention of derailing their threads.

History[edit | edit source]

Froge's first appearance was in a general /funkg/ in /trash/, also known as the frozen ninth circle of Hell, on January 10, 2022,[9] but it would have to wait until August 2022 to reach the 'party in abundant numbers.

Frogebait[edit | edit source]

Some rogue faggots started putting stealthy toads in jaks in order to get a response from Frogefags in a Lee-esque fashion. This continued for a day until a mod eventually asked Frogefags to only post in /qa/ and /incel/, effectively banning the meme from /soy/. This prompted the 'a Frogeposter' to write a goodbye message (which was actually just Leusick's "This is the end" video) in the board, only for it to be moved to /incel/ and then eventually deleted.

Lorenzo[edit | edit source]

pictured here is lorenzo after some selfish pissbaby spammed his email

Lorenzo is a 300 pound spic who is obsessed with Froge and keeps spamming an image titled "KYS CUCKS 2". This name was given, after the retard left his real email in the email field, whilst posting this image. To this day, no one knows what KYS CUCKS 1 is.

Relationship with jannies[edit | edit source]


Jannies are absolutely obsessed with froge to the point that jannies will put froge posts on priority and will wipe them off the 'log within minutes, unlike coal, or nas.

It has gotten to the point to where some soyteens attempt to wake up jannies is flooding the 'log with froge posts becuase janny is a useless fuck hypocrite that is only there to crusade against x thing they don't like becuase they think it's le heckin ruining sharty culture or something

Bobe[edit | edit source]

On December 4, 2022, a random soyteen made a drawing in Paint 3D in an attempt to mimic Froge's art style[10]. This character does not look in any way similar to Froge, and looks like a 3d model made by a roblox kid ('tube video is not available) . This abomination and mockery of true art was created in an attempt to create a boyfriend for Froge and farm (You)s. He is said to have a BFC (big funkin cock), and is a slut for Jason Blundell's big Apothicon pingas. The name Bobe comes from the first reply, as it sounds similar to froge. Bobe's models and textures can be found here.

The Froge Lee[edit | edit source]

In late 2023 a bulgarian poster became obsessed with Froge and started a new boogeyman hunt against frogeposters, accusing them all of being "venezuelan FNF pedos". Froot ended up actually deleting the wiki page twice.

Other examples[edit | edit source]

This section exists to outline all other somewhat notable examples of forced memes that don't deserve their own section on this article. Instead, they deserve only a mere mention on the list below:

Are soyjaks themselves a forced meme?[edit | edit source]

An anti-jakking conspiracy theory that is dangerous to our democracy has arisen among some 4cuckers, which is that soyjaks are themselves forced memes. Their evidence is that soyjaks are apparently normie/reddit memes and that they go against the spirit of 4cuck since 4cuck is le hecking anime website and le sekret club, or however the plot of Rozen Maiden goes. They usually convey this belief by calling any soyteen who posted even one 'jak on their boards a "wojackspammer", one of the most offensive slurs in the English language. Prominent soyologists, Snopes, and other reputable entites have analyzed these claims and have determined them to be merely baseless accusations by anti-soymites, and that soyjaks are in fact a natural response to the decay of 4cuck culture and are valid countercultural works of art. [11][12][13][14][15][16]

Citations[edit source]

Forced meme
is part of a series on
the coal that is killing /soy/
Sources [-+]
Symptoms [-+]
Treatment [-+]