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Soygem pass

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Soygem Badge

This page is a gem. The Soygem pass also known as Discord 4.0 by its detractors[Marge...] is a special user status which grants signed-in users the following features:

  • Disabled VPN checks, meaning you can post from VPNs.
  • Bypass McCaptcha
  • Access to an exclusive discord server board titled "/gem/"
  • Bypass the Media Pending Approval system.
  • Lowered post cooldowns.
  • Optional flag on country flag boards which displays how long you've been a pass user for.

‎History[edit | edit source]

Post announcing Soygem pass

On July 29th, 2024, Froot opens the Soygem pass applications.[1] About a week later, they were handed out to dozens of applicants.

Almost a month later, a second wave of applicants were given Soygem passes. The manager commented that the bar was set higher for acceptance, and that only gemmers were accepted.

This second wave led to soyteens making a slight distinction of pre-100 pass holders vs post-100 pass holders. As of today, most of the board consists of "gempasshavers" also known as "gempassers" posting their OC and sometimes baiting /soy/ for gegs and raiding

On August 29th, 2024, Mediator applications open to passholders but only for 7 days.[2]

Froot's Q&A on /gem/
1488 GET on /gem/ (Censored for privacy)

On September 1st, 2024 (known to be the starting day of WW2) Adolf Hitler himself posted on /gem/, traveling back in time and stealing the 1488 GET, declaring TOTAL NIGGER DEATH, with information and a location where soygem pass users would meet, the operation is still in effect.

On September 2nd, 2024 Froot did a Q&A on /gem/, many interesting questions have been asked and answered.

By his (and a lot of Soygem pass members') request, the Q&A will not be leaked to the public. Anyone who is found to have leaked it will be permabanned and have their pass taken away.

Roughly on October 2nd, 2024, the existence of a /gem/ Discord server and /gem/ Telegram channel was "leaked" to the public.

Quite obviously, there is no such thing as a "/gem/cord" or any official Discord server related to Soygem pass members. /gem/cord is NOT real. The FDL warns you: do NOT investigate further.

On November 11th, 2024, the /gem/ board was made public for all non-soygem pass users to view.[3]

Known Soygem Pass Users[edit | edit source]

Social hierarchy of Soygem pass users.

1-10[edit | edit source]

  • UID 1: Has Q level access in the (((department of energy))) and is the gateway for all gem pass users to contact Trvmp on the mothership. Has made few appearances on /gem/, but his replies were mysteriously deleted [4][5][6] because FrQQt bet over 20k dollars on libertarian winning
  • UID 2: Furnigger who made the latest /anthro/ thread on /g/.[7]
  • UID 3: Xe is a Gigaposter.[8]
  • UID 4: Namefags as "XXX YAKUBSGRAFTINGDESCENDANT XXX" on the Booru, and "XXX_SKIBIDISIGMA_XXX" on the Schlog. Creator of FPEjaks no one asked for.[9]
  • UID Ϫ: Unknown identity, but has very deep understanding of events on the sharty, lives up to his name by making high quality jaks. UID Ϫ does NOT exist. You WILL take your meds.
  • UID 7: Is a rare ID and hardly posts with flags enabled.[10]
  • UID 9: Doesn't listen to music.[11]

11-20[edit | edit source]

21-30[edit | edit source]

  • UID 21: Is MikoBRAAAP.[22]
  • UID 24: Literal who who happens to be a ChristCHAD.
  • UID 27: CzechGOD that resides on /pol/ and /gem/, usually posts stuff you'd expect from a typical chudcel (alongside tranime), invented Gemspeak alongside UID 138[23], and suffers from BPD.

31-40[edit | edit source]

  • UID 31/140/113: Went through 3 Soygem passes[24], pretty active on /gem/, Known as "rainhat" on the Booru[25], made nubabybot, soydueling script, and a bunch of other Javascript related shit, one of the most known yet. Check the Happenings page for more info.
  • UID 35: Claimed to be Soot but xe really wasn't.[26]
  • UID 36: Made the SPVA Anthem song.[27]
  • UID 37: Xe is an Fpe fag.[28]

41-50[edit | edit source]

None currently known.

51-60[edit | edit source]

  • UID 55: Is a /qa/ oldCHAD, made tons of OC gifs and animations, wrote Good Boy Quest, made the first PixelPlanet raid thread, and according to him, indirectly contributed to the creation of modern-day slopjaks.[29] Xheir booru account is "gem".
  • UID 56: Obsessed with Lou Reed[30], is supposedly on the FNAC team.[31]
    Musilm pass user anonymously squirting out of her 'sity cage over the 1488 get being re-added to the wiki after she removed it
  • UID 58: Warrior-Z, seethed on /gem/ when references to Brenton Tarrant were added to the Soygem pass page and tried to delete them twice thrice. Enemy of the Qatari.
  • UID 60: known as "Chud2" on the Booru, traced that one gemmy DBS opening (i don't have the vid).[32]

61-70[edit | edit source]

  • UID 61: Made a gemmy dox video on a tranny.[33]
  • UID 64: Froot Approved Furnigger.[7]
  • UID 65: random namefag named Emiliz
  • UID 68: Is Cobson The Gem, AKA TehPlierSpartan, Also made Inanimate Jaks
  • UID 69: Thinks they're a fag for having this number.[34] Created multiple 'ki pages such as the UK police raids under the account Snappywappy.[35]Became a mediator eventually, left the sharty and became a normalfag, might comeback who knows.

71-80[edit | edit source]

  • UID 74: Posts furry art.[7]
  • UID 80: Created Soytopia, Pixar quality animator, made a spamming script and used it on 4chan, then made an even better one in 2025 called mullerBot and got banned for it. made "MargeCAPTCHA". Xe also lives in Poland.[36] Lost xis soygem pass.

81-90[edit | edit source]

  • UID 81: Czech namefag and mediator under the alias "heckingemmy", Known for making bomb threats to the UK police,[37] forcing Murder Drones and a dusty variant:unknown named “Zuckjak”.
  • UID 83: Jewish man who put up a link to in the bathroom of his synagogue. Creator of the iconic favorite drink thread[38] and "Frqqts birthday card" thread.[39]
  • UID 84: Wanted to be added to the list.[40]
  • UID 85: Hates Niggers, Faggots and Trannies.
  • UID 86: newsoitoddlers what is this...[41]
  • UID 87: Has the words "soyak party" tattooed on knuckles.
  • UID 88/Cyber Hitler: Hitler with new cybernetic enhancements, has declared TND and is currently massing troops to take over Dresden and Berlin.

91-100[edit | edit source]

  • UID 94: Made some gemmy banners and 404 images that got accepted[42], popularized nyaa~ and furgod.[Marge...][43]
  • UID 100: IS A PONY NIGGER FAG.[44][45]

101-110[edit | edit source]

  • UID 102: Stole the 1488 GET with a Babyjak.[46]
  • UID 109: "AshkeNazi" on the Schlog.

111-120[edit | edit source]

  • UID 120: Namefags as "Atlanteen" on the Booru[47], forces coal.[48] Claims to have created the "Joge" NAS variant.[49]

121-130[edit | edit source]

  • UID 123: Random namefag named Terry Crews.
  • UID 128: Is a furfaggot.[50]

131-140[edit | edit source]

  • UID 134: Stole the 400 GET on /fpe/.[51]
  • UID 136: Confirmed himself to have done the dox of Turkey Tom, along with being the owner of Frequent poster of Impish Soyak Ears, which may be his favorite variant. Won xis pass through the Media Pending Approval competition.[52]
  • UID 138: Makes gemmy NAS art[53], Claims to work at a Russian gas station. Yet one of xheir (now deleted) photos featured a man wearing bulletproof vest and a gun which makes many other users believe UID 138 is a FSB agent spying on sharty, made some words for Gemspeak and Gemspeak 2, prefers original Soyjak and Gapejak. Xhe confirmed xherself to be a strasserist, got conscripted into the Russian army[54]

141-150[edit | edit source]

151-160[edit | edit source]

  • UID 152: Got their pass from the thread on /r/ remastering 'jaks.[59]
  • UID 154: Was a janny pretending to be a scriptfag.
  • UID 159: CrimsonVoidHydra, Namefags as "CrimsonVoidMARI", "CrimVoid" and "MARIGOD".

161-170[edit | edit source]

  • UID 166: Is Joel
  • UID 168: skibidi, czech /pol/ fag that likes hanging videos

171-180[edit | edit source]

  • UID 172: FURNIGGER[7]
  • UID 173: Brapzillian from /pol/. Got her pass approved personally by quote in the IRC. Known for posting his penis on the 5000 get
  • UID 177: Literal who incarnate, Bromine on the 'ru
  • UID 175: Is this literal who, also falseflagged as UID 33 before having a pass. Got their pass by asking quote very nicely.

181-190[edit | edit source]

  • UID 184: Obsessed with Numberjacks, got xer pass approved on November 3rd, 2024.
  • UID 185: Obsessed with Niko from random troon game, Namefags as "jimboboii" or "vivo endive" on the schlog
  • UID 186: GemersonLakeAndPalmer[60]
  • UID 188: Nine BFDI avatarfag, raider
  • UID 190: Is an FPE FAG[61]

191-200[edit | edit source]

  • UID 193: Exists[62]
  • UID 194: Itoddler useless fuck[63]
  • UID 200: cacaborean[64]

Gemspeak[edit | edit source]

Gemspeak is a yet undeciphered is a leaked dialect of soy speak of gempass users, it was created on 2024/8/30 by UID 27 and with a few additional words by UID 138 and leaked by UID 19 shortly after.

Gemspeak was used by gempassers to raid/bait people, first on the Sharty as a warm up and later on other websites.

Originally gemspeak was confused for Discord coded messages, and left many 'teens confused.

UID 138 and UID 27 have recently made gemspeak 2 in response to original being leaked. It was leaked shorty after by UID 19 again[65], causing massive sneed from all the eurofags (and UID 136) online at the time.

Controversy[edit | edit source]

UID 19 falseflagger after leaking gemspeak a 2nd time.

Leaks[edit | edit source]

/gem/ leaking is fairly common place on Notably, Gemspeak 1 was leaked by UID 19 and raids being ruined by others.

UID 138 and UID 27 were against UID 19. Due to UID 19 leaking Gemspeak 1 previously. When someone claimed to be UID 19 and leaked Gempass 2 despite the real one promising not to the board became shit flinging for a couple days before UID 19 made a post denying him leaking the 2nd gempass

Ironically, the currently unknown UID 19 falseflagger who leaked Gemspeak 2 created distrust in the pass community, to the opposite effect of the leaker's intent.

Gegbvlls[edit | edit source]

UID 20 claiming he is the anonymous islamist. Snopes needs to fact check the validity.

Baiting soygem pass users is an untapped potential gemerald for the most part.

<2>UID 19: Baited in a thread in /soy/ by both pass and non pass users after leaking soygem speak for the 2nd time.

UID 136: Created several bait threads on /gem/ to varying success.

UID 138 alleging that UID 136 or another unknown pass holder to have framed UID 19

Banned Soygem UIDs[edit | edit source]

UID 31: For abusing his soygem permissions (scripting).

UID 36: For leaking Froot's Q&A to kiwifarms.

UID 80: Using a powerful bot to spam threads. Unbanned award

UID 138: For triggering an autoban filter in one of xher messages after mentioning that skibidifarms were trying to spam the sharty again Unbanned

UID 138 and UID 19 fighting over Shit Nobody Cares About.

UID 166: For being a part of a Soycord.

UID 19 denies leaking Gemspeak 2

Current Drama[edit | edit source]

UID 46 discovered that there is a 'cord server for oldfags. Users are trying to figure out who are the members and the owner but only 3 members have been found, UID 27, 12 and 21. They had asked to Mustard and other jannies about it even doe they said that they weren't knowing it in the first place. There are some theories that UID 2 is the owner and UID 4 is one of the jannies of the server because they made a joke to make a 'cord server few months ago. There are few chatlogs but users couldn't make a connection out of it with the usernames. Right now, the board is on dramanigger mode and there are lots of threads about the situation.

Citations[edit source]

  4. (Screenshot)
  7. 7.0 7.1 7.2 7.3
  8. (Screenshot)
  9. (Screenshot 1 and 2)
  10. (Screenshot)
  11. (Screenshot)
  12. (Screenshot)
  13. (Screenshot)
  14. (Screenshot)
  15. (Screenshot)
  16. (Screenshot)
  17. (Screenshot)
  18. (Screenshot)
  19. (Screenshot)
  20. (Screenshot)
  21. (Screenshot)
  23. (Screenshot)
  24. (Screenshot)
  25. (Screenshot)
  26. (Screenshot)
  27. (Screenshot) (The Song)
  28. (Screenshot)
  29. (Screenshot)
  30. (Screenshot)
  31. (Screenshot)
  32. (Screenshot)
  33. (Screenshot)
  34. (Screenshot)
  35. (Screenshot)
  36. (Screenshot)
  37. (Screenshot)
  38. (Screenshot)
  39. (Screenshot)
  41. (Screenshot)
  42. (Screenshot)
  43. (Screenshot)
  44. (Screenshot)
  46. (Screenshot)
  47. (Screenshot)
  48. (Screenshot)
  49. (Screenshot)
  50. (Screenshot)
  51. (Screenshot)
  52. (Screenshot)
  53. (Screenshot)
  55. (Screenshot)
  56. (Screenshot)
  57. (Screenshot)
  58. (Screenshot)
  59. (Screenshot)