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I am no longer a chud

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I am no longer a chud is a post from /pol/ posted on September 17th, 2024 16:00 GMT-4[1]

 Chud ID: cMUL2rxo 18/09/24 /pol/ No.438132

I am no longer a chud
And I have honestly came to the conclusion that most chuds here are the way they are because of their
life situations and conditions
Whenever I speak to the chuddiest people here I notice that they almost all tend to be in hard life
situations (adult NEET, poor, incel, autist, no friends etc) and I imagine that their own internal
misery and hatred externalises itself through their ideology, which is why they are drawn to the far-right
I found this site during a tough period of my life and when my life got better I became significantly
less hateful over time and drifted away from such things
When you are happy you have no need for hate, when you are sad and angry you want to lash out at
everything and need someone to hate, to blame, and in the case of the people on this site that manifests
as obsessive hatred of black people/jews/trannies etc.
Focus on bettering your life if those causes are fixable and you will find that your hatred will dissipate
I'm not saying you will become a zogged up libtard or anything but you won't hate in the same way and will slowly become normal again

Citations[edit source]