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This topic was created by or has connections to oldfags.
You WILL remind these uncs that newGODS won.
"How don't you know about SomethingAwful?"
4chan is dust...

>we gotta stop frogjak spammers from derailing our blacked loli hentai threads or however the oldfags are worshipped
Imageboard website
FoundedOctober 1st, 2003; 21 years ago
Major Boards/v/, /pol/, /qa/
Total Posts4,900,000,000+

4chan (also known as 4cuck or simply the 'cuck) is an American public toilet created in 2003. 4chan is the only English-language anonymous imageboard anyones cares about and has spawned epic memes no one likes such as Wojak and Pepe the frog.

4chan is looked down upon by most soyteens since nearly every board is mostly millennials sharing their pedophilic goon material. 4chan is usually depicted by left-wingers as a hecking edgy far-right skate park where everyone talks about the school shooting they'll commit tomorrow and the next troon their gonna murder. In reality, 85% of the site is porn, and /pol/ is mostly unserious Facebook-tier bullshit.

Despite the hostile environment, 4chan is the cradle of Soy Civilization. 4chan's /int/ board was the site of the first Soyjak in December 2017. 4chan's /qa/ board would be the home of Soy culture until it was locked in November 2021. /s4s/ and /bant/ have both been discussed over the years as potential targets for soyteen colonization, but no successful colonization effort has been made, most likely due to not needing to because we have the sharty. Even boards like /r9k/, /int/ and /pol/ were considered.

Website activity has been mostly stagnant in the past 10 years. In 2024, 4 boards have become signifcantly more used than the other boards: /vg/ (Video Game Generals), /pol/, /v/ (Video Games), and /vt/ (Virtual YouTubers).

The site was originally created for Moot's group of weeb friends he had from ADTRW, the anime subforum of Something Awful. The website was created by translating the source code of the Futaba Channel into English. The first board was /b/ - Anime/Random, cementing 4chan's role as a public shitting street.

2003 Index/Homepage
Some silly people will claim that 4chan and imageboards as a whole shouldn't be exclusively for shitposts, but they are very dumb.
moot declaring that 4chan is retard-friendly

The Absolute State[edit | edit source]

The stages of 'cuck

If you’ve been on 4chan for more than five minutes, you’ve probably heard some oldfag rant about how the site “went to shit” at some point. Here is a full rundown on when and why it all started falling apart.

The first major fuck-up that set the dominoes in motion was when moot deleted /new/ back in 2011. /new/ was like the proto-/pol/—ack place where people discussed politics, news, and other related topics. For some fucking reason, moot decided that deleting /new/ was a good thing. Big mistake. All those users suddenly found themselves without a home. Instead of just disappearing, they spread out across the site, bringing their brand of retardation to other boards that weren’t equipped to handle it.

Realizing he’d unleashed a horde of politically obsessed retards on the rest of 4chan, moot tried to fix his mistake by creating /pol/. The idea was simple: give these idiots their own board so the rest of the site could function normally. But this spectaculary failed. Over time, the culture of /pol/ started leaking out into other boards. This slow creep infected nearly every corner of 4chan, turning it into a site dominated by /pol/ mentality.

By 2014, it was pretty clear to moot that he’d irrecoverably fucked up. Modern politics were getting more idiotic, and /pol/ was at the center of it. So, what did moot do? He jumps ship in 2014, right when things start getting really retarded with the rise of modern MAGA and woke politics, the alt-right, and all that. And who steps in? Hiroyuki Nishimura, or “Hiro,” buys 4chan and then basically does fuck-all with it. It’s like he bought a sinking ship and just decided to let it sink slower.

When Hiro took over, there was a brief moment of hope that maybe things would get better. Spoiler: they didn’t. Hiro essentially abandoned the site and handed it over to a cabal of discord Jannies. He barely interacts with the community, and when he does, it’s usually to introduce some half-baked bullshit.

So who’s actually running the show now? As I've mentioned: a cabal of Discord jannies led by a guy known as RapeApe. These jannies are the worst kind of power-tripping losers—guys who get off on wielding their tiny bit of authority to ban people, delete posts, and generally fuck up the site. They’re a mix of /pol/tards, Discord pedos, and other assorted rejects who have no business being in charge of anything, let alone a website like 4chan. They don’t even get paid; they’re doing it for free, which tells you everything you need to know about their motivation.

These jannies have been systematically sabotaging 4chan from the inside. They over-moderate certain boards while letting others run wild, pushing their own agendas and banning anyone who doesn’t toe the line. They’ve turned 4chan into a sanitized, paranoid, and frankly boring shadow of its former self. And the worst part? There’s no accountability. Hiro doesn’t give a shit, so these jannies do whatever they want with zero oversight.[1]

Moderation[edit | edit source]

A Soyjak meme picture poking fun at 4chan's janitors/jannies

The main positions among 4chan's moderation staff are moderators ("mods") and janitors ("jannies"). Moderators can delete threads as well as ban users. Janitors can only delete threads and send ban requests to the moderators. Neither mods nor jannies receive any type of compensation for the countless hours of "hard" work they put into the site with the exception of a few high level staff members which Hiro gives a few soicoins to every month out of pity. Mods spend most of their time in the irc and discord erping with each other and only show up to actually moderate once they get sick of baning people who complain about the state of their dying website from the irc for interrupting their jerk session.

The moderation of 4chan has become subject to controversy. Innocent funposters, including appreciators of soyjaks, have become increasingly persecuted by the members of the moderation staff. Many of these persecuted users have taken refuge in communities such as (like le hecken jewerinos!)

New Garrison 'toss

'cuck users are pedophiles[edit | edit source]

It's a well known fact 4cucks are pedophiles. 'chan users often like to complain about how "the sharty is full of CP spammers" even though the spam always comes from either butthurt 4cucks or 'cord users trying to get the site shut down. 4cucks to this day promote and encourage CP spam on sites they don't like all while calling the target site a "pedophile hotspot".

On August 13, 2013, Moot decided to make /a/ naruto themed and sticked a ton of naruto threads and added a message saying "N/a/RUTO CONFIRMED BEST ANIME CHINESE CARTOON OF ALL TIME". /a/'s natural response was to sperg out and spam CP and gore until the mods reverted everything.

ban Evading[edit | edit source]

Main Article: ban evasion

There are multiple methods to ban-evade on 4chan such as:

  • Restarting your router (requires dynamic IP; if you aren't sure if you have one, you do. Static IPs cost the ISP more money and you usually have to pay for one.)
  • Using mobile data (make sure to clear your cookies and then turn airplane mode on for a few seconds).
  • Using proxies by following the steps below (coal)
  1. Get proxies that aren't banned. This may cost money; regardless, some people say that your best chances are in obscure VPNs or exit nodes in obscure countries.
  2. Go to firefox settings and configure the proxy IP address and port. There should be information about this on your provider's website. If you have Linux, OpenVPN will take care of this for you and there is no need to specifically configure proxy settings per application. You can also use a browser extension called proxy switchyomega to save data usage.
  3. you can now raid /lgbt/ again

History[edit | edit source]

Main Article: Bibanon's History of 4chan

TL;DR: Moot said "brace for faggotry" and faggotry happened.

Culture[edit | edit source]

See: Encyclopedia Dramatica

Anime website. CSAM, grooming, black cocks, inceldom, mass shootings, political extremism LARPing, cartoon pornography, transgenderism, nihilism, laziness, pessimism and consumerism (ONLY IF IT'S LE BASED AND REDPILLED) are also encouraged, as long as it's in the name of le millennial KULCHA and TEH EPIC LULZ

Things 4cucks often do[edit | edit source]

  • Goon
  • Download and post CP
  • Goon to tranime (specifically loli porn)
  • Complain about da newfags
  • Complain about da shills
  • Complain about da zoomers
  • Complain about da moralfags
  • Complain about da Christians
  • Complain about da sharty
  • Accuse the sharty of being "a cp website".
  • Complain about da reddit
  • Self-insert as pictures of smug anime girls
  • Suck off jannies (Mods = Gods you pissbaby NEWFAAAG)
  • Worship Moot
  • LARP as le epic anoonoomoos 4cuck hacker on steroids internet h8 machine XD pedobear desu lulz do a barrel roll!
  • Envision themselves to be the center/"final boss" of the internet when in reality nobody cares about 4cuck.
  • Refuse to take xheir autism and schizophrenia meds assigned by Dr. Soyberg
  • Kill xhemselves

June 20th 2004, The day 4cuck died[edit | edit source]

>June 20 - A day that will live forever in short-term memory. 4chan dies for the fourth and longest time, for nearly six weeks. moot blames lack of contribution and donations, asshole posters, and GNAA flooding, among other things, as the reasons for 4chan's death.

Hypothetical Events[edit | edit source]

1 /b/illion GET[edit | edit source]

The 1000000000000000000 GET On /b/ WILL be a soyjak.

The last post[edit | edit source]

4cuck's last post will be made in August 6th, 2161 - 74 years after the global nuclear annihilation resulting from World War 3 - after a tech-savvy survivor originating from what was formerly the United States discovers intact 4cuck servers in a pile of rubble, gets them working again, and procceeds to make 4cuck's last post. IT WILL BE A SOYJAK.

The fall of 4chan[edit | edit source]

Once all millenials become too old and die, 4chan will be an empty, dead husk. Nobody will use or remember about it anymore since newer generations didn't grow up with the website and they will likely be too distracted watching skibidi toilet videos on Tiktok. 4chan will become just another tombstone on the graveyard of old websites no one gives a shit anymore, such as YTMND, SomethingAwful, AlbinoBlackSheep and Newgrounds. (The latter is only barely alive due to pornography and Friday Night Funkin' troon garbage)

Boards[edit | edit source]

is part of a series on
the coal that is killing /soy/
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"Ze conspiracy theories are coming true."
Entities that want to shut down [-+]
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