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This topic is literally IRC

Here be namefags, malware and tapwater.

Quote! Fix your goddamn server!
Some seething chuds in IRC

This page is a gem. is coal. (formerly is the official Discord IRC server of It was originally created for use by the moderation team but was eventually opened to the public on August 18th, 2024. It went down on September 12th, 2024 due to being dropped by NiceNIC, but it later came back on October 3rd as[1]

Since Febuary 8 2025, it has gained popularity and started developing its own culture due to user Chud45005 sperging out. Said culture currenty is basically if 'ru comments and /tech/ had a baby.

On Febuary 9 2025, a bunch of soyteens decided to bully Mist which ended with Mist leaking; it was pretty gemmy overall. He also banned a lot of people including someone claiming that he's The Swede, eventually he got probably impeached by Quote for powermodding.

IRC details[edit | edit source]

Add the following to your server list on your favorite IRC client (or if you're a selfish little fuck who won't install one use the web client):

  • IP:
  • Port: 6697
  • Use SSL: On

SSL is supported and recommended. IP cloaking is enabled and forced on.

Notable channels[edit | edit source]

  • #soy - The main channel, filled with the most members and the most active channel.
  • #meta - Unknown purpose, but might be the IRC's version of /q/.
  • #craft - Soycraft.
  • #raid - Raid: SHADOW LEGENDS.
  • #pol - Politically Incorrect.
  • #linux - BTFOing iToddlers and Winfags since 1993
  • opers - something shhhh
  • #/fpe/ - Fundamental Paper Education. Dead nigger channel, as FPEtroons all use der 'cord.
  • #wiki - Soyjak Wiki. Even though we use Schlog.
  • #tech - Technology and iToddlers. iOS is malware BTW.
  • - alternate #soy hub probably
  • #abdl - change my diaper, do it now
  • #caca - the promised land for all true cacaboreans
  • #sigma - hub for discussing roman stuff
  • - you VILL not investigate further
  • #DonkeyKong - Gigachads only
  • #mlp - Dead nigger channel ever since Lee visited it.
  • #art - just no

Hidden/deleted channels[edit | edit source]

  • #Cacaborea - failed successor to #caca, hidden forever.

Connection Guide[edit | edit source]

  1. Install an IRC client. HexChat is recommended for Windows, Adium for Mac, Konversation for Linux, and the following instructions assume you're using it. After installing HexChat you will be greeted by the network list.
  2. Click Add and rename the newly created network from New Server to Soyjak Party.
  3. Select Soyjak Party in the network list and click Edit....
  4. Edit the server from newserver/6697 to then close the popup.
  5. Pick your username, then select Soyjak Party and click Connect.
  6. Assuming you followed all the instructions correctly, you'll successfully connect and HexChat will ask if you'd like to join a channel or view the list of channels. For now though, select Nothing, I'll join a channel later. and click OK.
  7. Register your username by sending /nickserv register password with the chatbox, replacing password with whatever you want your password to be. Registering your username means that it requires a password to use, preventing people from impersonating you.

Once your username is registered, you're good to go.

Use /list to get the list of channels or /join #channel-name to join a channel directly.

Next time you connect, make sure to use /nickserv identify password to log in, replacing password with the password you used for registration. Adium can remember NickServ passwords btw.

What is the IRC most used for?[edit | edit source]

Most of the time it's a DNB; but when it's active (usually because the sharty is down as the "sharty is down" message has an iframe with the web client) it's used for talking with other soyteens aswell as talking to the Staff-Team about issues, bans, reports, and concerns.

As of February 9, 2025 it seems to be finally taking off with the birth of the likely first IRC meme "iOS is malware".

Notable happenings[edit | edit source]

  • One ESL chinatranswoman leaking over how much xe hates Ameria. It is unknown if xe is referring to Armenia or America.
  • Chud45005 leaking and seething over his iPad and arguing that Mexico is Aryan.
  • IRCteens bully Mist which leads in him leaking and powermodding which ended up in Quote probably removing him. <---meds now
  • Gold has a massive meltdown and leaks all over the IRC ending up with him getting impeached.
  • Dobkun posting nonsense and attentionwhoring shit from time to time. Explains it as the side effect of Meds.

Notable users of the IRC[edit | edit source]

IRC extra details[edit | edit source]

Some things to remember when using the IRC

  • You can only be apart of a limited amount of channels in one network (10 to be exact).
  • IRC channels have different characters for the type of permissions you have.

"~" The creator of the network has this, full control over the network obviously

"@" is given to the creator of a specific channel, and it has full control over the channel and it's members


"%" minimods or "half-ops", can give voices, ban, and kick.

"+", "Users who've been given a "voice". Allows you to speak in the channel even if it locks, no real permissions

Anyone else is a lurkerFAG who should wordswordswords MOAR

  • Make sure to log in and keep your name tied to your account, or you don't keep your channel permissions, OR your name.
  • Impersonation is rare since the network renames you to "chud" if you don't login within a minute of swapping to a registered name.
  • You VILL get banned for advertising on the IRC, although mods don't really care if you shill your SNCA dead channel.
  • The system is really good at detecting bots before they even speak, so don't try it.

Citations[edit source]
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