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Literally Who
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This article shows an unbiased view on the topic. It has been reviewed by several editors to reach a consensus. |
FACT: The 'party wiki does NOT need a huge list of absolute nobodies, forced memes, and inside jokes nor does it give a shit about your petty forum feud with some niggerfaggot avatarposter . Rather than spreading your butthurt vendetta over to this site, go back and learn to 'jak off better than being a petty faggot autist.
FACT: You will never be an e-celeb. You will never be known, no matter how hard you try, you will never be a household name around a group of dejected losers posting a bald cartoon man with glasses or NAS image macros. So stop writing articles about yourself and mentioning yourself in third person you nigger
FACT: Calling someone a lolcow, doesn't make them a lolcow. Just because your best mate is a paedophile who drinks his own piss doesn't mean he needs a page.
FACT: Just because you're a turboautist supreme nigger who can write a billion kajillion gorillion wordswordswords about your favourite bbc slut doesn't mean we know (or care for that matter) who they are.
List of Literally-Who's[edit | edit source]
Any niggerfaggot on this list
The Jewtuber who mention Operation 9/11
And lastly, (((You.)))