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Megachud is the gem that saved the 'party!

if you're reading this, YOU'RE A FAGGOT!
The game's start screen.

Megachud is a bone-chilling, spine tingling, slow-burn, jumpscare free, character driven, genre defining platformer game created on[1] that is a love letter to games like Mega Man. Some even say it is the spiritual successor Mighty No. 9 failed to be. It was made on Gamemaker. On October 2024, it finally released on,[2] but was taken down from there and can now be downloaded from one of the links below.

Reception[edit | edit source]

The game was received with overwhelmingly positive reviews and critical success. Several fights were featured on the 'ru[3][4]. There are also several Youtube videos featuring playthroughs of the game[5][6].

Gameplay[edit | edit source]

The game is a platformer, and as expected, the gameplay is highly derivative of Mega Man, but features unique levels, enemies, and bosses, many of which are themed around modern day topics and issues such as jews and transgenderism.

Installation[edit | edit source]

A screenshot of the the alpha build of the game

The game was previously available on and However, removed it and got ACKED!

As of January 16th, 2025, there are two download sites:

Allegedly, there is an issue where the shader might crash. To alleviate this, another version was made without shaders:

Citations[edit source]