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Edit: Thanks for the gold kind stranger!

Really well meme'd my friend!
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How far we've come[grow the fuck up steve, see the picture below instead.]

A Meme is an idea, behavior, or style that spreads by imitation. It can come in various forms, typically as a video, image, gif, or words. The term Memes was coined by a neck-bearded atheist named Richard Dawkins. Memes are viral among the youth. Soyjaks are the most popular meme as of recent.[it just is, ok?]

The use of the word "meme" to describe a mass shared piece of media became widespread in 2011 and 2012. Though the word has existed since the 70's, scientists believe mass use of the word originates from the 2001 video game Metal Gear Solid 2: Sons of Liberty, which predicted modern America 15 years before it happened (like look up the game it's actually scary).

Meme history[edit | edit source]

ignore that primitive picture above this is actually how far weve come
ignore that primitive picture above this is actually how far it is as of August 2022.

all memes are made by 4chan btw

^^^^^Lies, they are all made by me

^^^^^They were made by me

The first memes started appearing with the rise of photoshop and digital art software like Microsoft paint and Adobe Photoshop. Over time this technology became much less expensive, and when the web was made people could now send shit to each other outside of email. As more people joined the web memes also became popular. These memes were called "fads" prior to 4cucks and something awful trannies using the word meme to describe these images.

Example of a modern "meme" (IAS?) < NAS, there's no stubble

Memes became fully mainstream when Facebook was at its peak of usage, and ever since then their quality has fallen off. You can help by making more OC's.

On December 30 2017, The Swede created Soyjak, the best meme on the internet and the peak of humor. There has yet to be a meme topping soyjak in originality ever since.

Links[edit | edit source]

See Also[edit | edit source]