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Mental health

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>Though maybe you were looking for Mental Illness?
>A phone call? No siree i might get anxiety

Mental health is an excuse used by faggots, women, trannies, soy boys, and other dysfunctional losers to justify their shitty lifestyle. These pathetic losers will often complain that they are feeling anxiety or stress, but really they just want an excuse to sit in their room and goon to porn or to play videogames all day without worrying about anything else.

What causes bad mental health?[edit | edit source]

A lot of things, but mostly just what's happening in your life and what's surrounding it. If you are a shitty little faggot who does nothing but whine on the internet all day, then yeah you probably don't have good mental health. Some people who do have bad mental health may have it do to external factors though, like people who grew up abused and people who grew up poor. Whatever it may be that makes you "depressed" you can use as an excuse to get out of things, such as work or school, or use it as an excuse for literally anything else.

How do I get better mental health?[edit | edit source]

Take your meds silly little goyim and pay me $60000 USD so you can blabber on about shit going on in your life as I pretend like I'm helping you.

Mental Health "Professionals"[edit | edit source]

>YOU ARE HEREBY DIAGNOSED WITH APD, OCD, BBC, AND ADD AND MUST NOW PAY ME $600 DOLLARS A MONTH FOR PRESCRIPTIONS even though you can get pills off the sidewalk for free

Despite being completely made up, there are many "Doctors" who claim to specialize in mental health. They say they promote "mental wellbeing" and treat mental disorders, but in actuality they just use their title to prescribe Medication and make Money. But you WILL take your meds, because they help you out. OKAY?!?!?!!?!?!?!
According to these "professionals", the following are bad for your mental health:

See Also[edit | edit source]

Mental health
is part of a series on
Mental health
Illnesses and Conditions [-+]
Treatments [-+]

BBC therapyMedsDoctor's orders ♦ Eating the Bugs ♦ finding Jesus ♦ Landscape TherapyMeditationMental Asylum