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This page is a gem.

>Though maybe you were looking for Oekaki?
An example of a gif made in OE-Cake

OE-Cake is an abandonware physics sandbox developed by Japanese engineering company Prometech Software around 2008. Notably, it supports image importing, which means you can make gems with it.

Importing Images[edit | edit source]

OE-Cake uses a drag-and-drop system of importing images, so simply drag in your soyjak from the file explorer to put it ingame. Also, how large your image is based on the actual pixel size of the file, so you should probably downscale the image before importing. Imported images are made of your currently selected material.

Save Format[edit | edit source]

Files are saved as .oec, a plaintext format. You can then edit the settings of your save with any text editor. Notable settings are as follows:

scale: How big the particles are. Lower scales make the particles smaller, but increase lag and can make some materials behave differently.

timeStepsPerFrame: How many physics iterations the game tries to process per frame. Can be used to reduce lag, but the footage will need to be sped up.

standardDensity: Affects particle size in collisions. Can make fluids act different when changed.

usersSpeedX/usersSpeedY: Changing this lets the User element go slower or faster. Theres also a similar setting "usersForceX/Y" for acceleration.

Elements[edit | edit source]

24 base elements exist in OE-Cake, not including glitched or null elements. Keybinds are listed in square brackets.

Aerate [A]: Technical element that makes other elements mixed with it lighter. Other than that, does nothing.

Brittle [B]: Breaks apart when enough force is applied.

Cooler [C]: Condenses steam. Other than that, does not do much.

Dense [D]: Will always move particles above it, to sink to the bottom.

Elastic [E]: Solid material that stretches and bounces. Commonly used to create the softbody physics effect in troonjaks gifs.

Fuel [F]: If heated by heater/fire, it will start to visually burn and eventually disappear.

Gas [G]: Is not affected by gravity.

Heater [H]: Sets fuel on fire, explodes powder, evaporates water, and melts plastic/string/brittle.

Inflow [I]: Constantly creates particles, with the default type being water.

Jet [J]: Puts force on objects it's attached to, propelling them.

Rice [K]: Constantly forms and deforms into small clumps.

Light [L]: The opposite of dense, will always move particles below it to float.

Mochi [M]: A sticky. putty-like material that forms globs. Looks hilarious if you import a soyjak with this.

Novel [N]: Technical element that creates bonds between solid objects. Ingame, it doesn't do much as it turns completely inert liquid (null) when spawned in.

Outflow [O]: Deletes materials that touch it. Does not delete materials its mixed with, so for example mochi+outflow will delete everything except for mochi.

Powder [P]: Acts like powder and explodes when heated. You can change many of its properties in the save settings, allowing for many different powdery materials to be simulated.

Water [Q]: Extinguishes objects if they are on fire, turns into steam when heated. Has a unique bubbling texture that makes the outside look lighter.

Rigid [R]: Hard, solid material.

String [S]: Like elastic, but far more floppy and stretchy.

Tensile [T]: Sticks to itself, forming perfectly circular globs.

User [U]: Can be moved using the arrow keys, very useful for animating a variety of objects

Viscous [V]: Slow-flowing liquid.

Wall [W]: Cannot be moved.

Rigid Axis [X]: Like rigid, but can only rotate around its center point.

Snow [Y]: Fluffy, sticky element that is not obtainable in the GUI. Water causes it to melt.

Delete [Z]: Not actually an element, but removes materials. If mixed with a material, it instantly deletes it when drawn. Can be used with the replace tool on Rigid to remove parts while keeping the bonds intact.

Fire [@]: Like heater, but emits particles and is constantly decaying. Actually a mix of Fuel and Heater. Does not actually add fire properties when mixed with elements, but instead adds a null element that does nothing (but still affects outflow)

Element Mixing[edit | edit source]

Elements can be mixed to create new elements that inherit properties from their components. To mix, press ESC once, then press the hotkeys of the elements you want to mix, then press ESC again to finalize. You could also just click the elements on the GUI menu. There is no visual indicator that you are in mix mode.

How to make an OE-Cake Gif[edit | edit source]

OE-Cake does not have a built in way to record. You will need external recording and editing software to create a gem. Once that is set, simply follow these steps.

1: Set up your scene by dragging in your soyjaks/replacing things in pause mode until you are ready to record. You can press 0 to see objects without the background layer. You can also add in a background and foreground image.

2: Start recording your gem and unpause. Make sure your mouse isn't in the playfield, as it will show in the final product, unless you are able to make it invisible.

3: When you feel like you are done simulating. stop recording, close OE-Cake, and start editing. Crop out the OE-Cake UI, cut out the parts where you paused. Speed it up, because nobody is going to watch your 2 minute video when it could be 20 seconds. If you're feeling daring, add in some sound effects. You can also use editing to make it seem like something turns from one material to another. For example, you can have a 'jak be made of wall, pause to replace it with mochi, and then cut out that part of the video to make it seem as the soyjak turned into mochi as something happened.

4: Export! You can either have it as a .webm file (max filesize 4MB on the chad's /gif/) or as a .gif (max filesize varies, but the maximum is 2MB on /b/ and higher on other boards)

Further Reading[edit | edit source] - Autist wiki where maybe two editors try to explain how a proprietary tech demo from 2008 accurately simulated theoretical physics and quantum mechanics. A history lesson regarding OE-Cake.

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