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>Back in the soot era wordswordswords and third-world subhumans from Twitter/YouTube/Discord joining sharty le bad because they want to be around us the same way shitskins want to be around us in real life
Oldtroons malding about some boring shit

Opposite of Newfag

Oldfags are notorious whiners who would rather nostalgiafag for the rest of their lives than start or join anything new. Just admit that newGODS mindbroke you all and move on.

Average 4poopa[edit | edit source]

If you immediately recognize all of these memes, you might be an oldfag.
  1. >muh long cat
  2. >le mootxico
  3. >phoneDEITYS are... le BAD!
  4. >typos le funy
  5. >i’m better than u cuz i’ve wasted more of my life here, lurk moar newfag
  8. >caipirinha caipirinha

Your memes were not funny. Grow up nigger. I know you know that you sound like the same people /b/ pissed off whenever soyGODS buckbreak your faggotry. I thought you were supposed to be epic heckin 1337 hackers who know to not feed da trooooollls

4chan oldfags could often be hypocritical, however no matter what some newfags say, sharty oldfags (and even most of the post-2014 4chins) are the inverse of your average pre-2011 4cuck oldtroon, which is the very reason those nusoibabas have the farty in the first place.

btw did you know boomers on fucking usenet were using "oldfag"?

Does anyone care?[edit | edit source]

Nobody cares. If anyone sees themselves higher just because they wasted more of their life doing shit nobody cares about its because they've done nothing and being an oldfag on a dead pedophile hangout is their biggest achievement

is part of a series on
the coal that is killing /soy/
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