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The people who use Panchan are trans btw, if that matters..

This is an actual ad for a non-Sharty website. Take everything here with a grain of salt and remind this other site's jannies that they do it for free.
FoundationSeptember 24, 2024
Major Boards/mg/, /art/, /pan/
Total posts759
Website (a.k.a the Panny) is a splinter created by some literal who known as "☺" or "smiley".[1] It is a 0PPH shithole that barely anybody uses, and if (You) do, then you're probably a faggot.[2] On december 2024, the site was wiped for a better server with a Christmas theme added[3]. Panchan also has an Youtube Channel[4] created on August 7 2024.

Panchan's announcement of the new server and Christmas theme. homepage as of October 11th, 2024.
Panchan's Halloween logo[edit | edit source]

Before codefag quit,[5] you used to be able to host your own site for free under the name. Rye got, a splinter site all about him. eventually, the "Barty" was taken Offline, due to Rye leaking detractor's IPs. some people still refer to panchan's users as "Bartybros".

Rules[edit | edit source]

User rules[edit | edit source]

  1. No Illegal ContentPosting illegal content is strictly prohibited. This includes, but is not limited to, CSAM, pedophilic material, zoophilia, zoosadism, or doxxing content—even as a joke.
  2. No SpammingSpamming the boards or threads is NOT allowed.
  3. Gore RestrictionsGore is not permitted on any boards except for /junk/ and /pol/.
  4. NSFW ContentNSFW content is allowed but must be spoilered except on /junk/ and /pol/.[6]

Moderator Rules[edit | edit source]

  1. Post DeletionDo not delete posts without a valid reason.
  2. BanningDo not ban users without a valid reason.
  3. ConfidentialityDo not leak information about the site or its users.[6]

Boards[edit | edit source]

  • /mg/- multigrain bread - Main board and /soy/ equivalent.
  • /qa/ - questions & answers - The site's /qa/ equivalent.
  • /art/ - art - Used for sharing art.
  • /pan/ - panchan - Meta board and /q/ equivalent.
  • /pol/ - le politics - /pol/ equivalent.
  • /test/ - test - A board used for testing purposes.
The Panchan logo

Citations[edit source]

is part of a series on

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