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Pissluffare is a DEAD VARIANT
This soyjak variant gets posted on the 'log less than once a month.
Only (You) can revive it, soyteen.

Wojak variant
Origin/int/, 4chan
Booru Posts 66 as of November 11, 2024
Traced FromWise Mystical Tree

Pissluffare is a Swedish Wojak variant originating from 4cuck /int/. The term "Pissluffare" translates to "piss bum" or "piss hobo" from Swedish, the variant itself is based off the "If You're Over 25 and Own a Computer, This Game Is a Must-Have" meme, also known as the Wise Mystical Tree. An IAS version of Pissluffare exists.

A popular gif[it just is, ok?] of Pissluffare with his arms crossed and nodding his head
Pissluffare is part of a series on
Soyjak variants
Main variants [-+]

Variants with over 1,000 Booru posts

Classic SoyjakA24 Slow-Burn SoyjakGapejakMarkiplier SoyjakBerndFeraljakCobsonImpish Soyak EarsMeximutt

Other variants [-+]
Subvariants [-+]
Soyjak trends [-+]
By artform [-+]
NAS [-+]

Main article: NAS

WojakNon-Wojak SoysWikipe-tanNPCChudjakSoytanGigachadPepeSoySubaChadjakPissluffarePetraPoopyPoopsonBoykisserEnbiePink-Haired Enbie