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Preventing a failraid

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It has been reviewed by several editors to reach a consensus.

Don't rely on others to do to the raid for you[edit | edit source]

99% percent of raids fail because everyone expects someone else to do the work for them. When it comes to raiding you truly get out what you put in. Do you want to see that raid completed successfully? then you're going to have to work for it. don't just rely on someone else to do the work for you. Raiding is a hard job/task.

Lock up your links[edit | edit source]

The same way you lock the clitty of your opponents, lock up the links which you are using.

This extremely useful tool allows you to put link behind a password with a hint as to prevent off-site niggers from coaling up your raid or being a snitch. A common choice for a hint is to ask who will always be a gem and the password be Cobson but I believe this isn't strong enough. You might want to use something harder like asking who was the second soyjak to be created, which is a24 or asking what character likes to say nusoicacas and the answer be Pepe. These are just examples; you should obviously not use them because this isn't a dark web site, anyone with an internet connection can access this page.

When posting on /soy/ remember to enable ids[edit | edit source]

you should ALWAYS enable IDS WHEN POSTING. it makes derailing a lot harder.

Dealing with Demoralization Coal[edit | edit source]

>NOOOOOOOO these raiders are actually making progress on the thread SAGE SAGE. I need to post demoralization coal I cant let them win

Demoralizers are people who are raiding your raid. They do this by posting false stuff to make others falsely believe a raid is impossible. Remember that these de moralizers posted the same coal when we raided The Coffin of Andy and Leyley and Revsaysdesu saying it was impossible and to "give up now". And yet every time we succeeded. If you encounter a bunch of demoralization coal here are some steps to deal with it. Whatever you do, do NOT give demoralizerfags any (You)s. They will take this as a sign that their bait is working, which motivates them to post more demoralization coal.

Remind raiders that these people have no interest in this raid and want us to fail[edit | edit source]

Remember that these people want this raid to fail. Giving them what they want by giving up is giving them the key to victory. By agreeing with demoralizer scum, you're basically telling everyone in the thread "I'm a massive faggot Discord tranny who supports Giggly Goonclown and BLM"

Tell raiders to ignore them and to continue on.[edit | edit source]

Another great way to deal with them is to call out their bullshit. Don't sound to seething but just point out there obvious attempts to demoralize the teens in the thread

Post stuff to motivate 'teens in retaliation. Remind them that we have dealt with bigger and worse threats that seemed impossible[edit | edit source]

The title says it all.

Report demoralizerfags[edit | edit source]

While this may take some time to take effect, the jannies will typically respond reasonably quickly to reports, resulting in the coal posts being removed and the demoralizers being banned, which slows down the rate of future demoralization coal posting and also has the positive side effect of reducing the time it takes to scroll through the thread.

Remember that as a raider it is important to remember that doing your part isn't just about contributing to the raid, but also keeping other raiders' morale high, calling out demoralization coal, preventing infighting and also posting updates and keeping others informed

Posting updates/summarizes of a raid thread[edit | edit source]

example summary post of a thread

When a raid gets popular/active there can be thousands of posts. this can make it daunting for new teens that want to join in on the raid. No one wants to read 1000s of words for something they don't even know will succeed. Posting short summaries of a raids progress can save newteens hours and make it less daunting for them. Make sure to put an attention grabbing image so it gets the newteens' attention.

Its also scientifically proven that the more active a thread is the more teens will contribute. by posting updates you also do a double good by keeping the thread alive.


Example attention grabbing image

Keep morale high[edit | edit source]

Remember that the Soybooru has alot of great moralization gems

Remember that alot of raids fail because teens fall into a cycle of "this is impossible" or "no one is viewing this thread". It is your duty as a raider to keep your fellow raiders' morale high, otherwise the entire raid might fail. Whether you're organizing the raid or just partaking in it, you should always make sure to congratulate and thank your fellow raiders when they make progress on the raid, or accomplish an objective, like sucessfully compiling a 'ox or stealing a GET.

Post updates and progress! Be active in the thread[edit | edit source]

If you have found a lead then POST IT in the thread. Don't just sit there and wait. even if you don't have anything to post just post something in there anyways. it could be a useless update or a simple "hi". Whatever it is it shows that the thread still has people active in it. Do remember that snitches do view threads and sometimes it might be best to withhold information if you believe that a snitch could use it to ruin the fun

Prevent infighting[edit | edit source]

There may be times where arguments break out and people start to split up. in these times its important to defuse the situation and remind them that there causing the raid to turn into a fail raid. Sometimes you have to put aside your awful differences in order to work together to succeed.

Moralizing gem
Remember that the job is never done until victory is finished!

Gallery of attention grabbing images to use[edit | edit source]

Make a bunch of alternate accounts before going all in[edit | edit source]

If the thing you're raiding requires an account make sure to make a bunch of alternate accounts before your team of raiders goes all in and raids. That way if one gets banned you can easily switch to the next. DO NOTE THAT YOU WANT THE ACCOUNT USERNAME TO BLEND IN WITH NORMALFAGS (snitches are everywhere)

Stuff to remember[edit | edit source]

No fight was ever won purely defensively[edit | edit source]

In order to finish or work on a raid you're gonna have to play offense. No sitting back. It's called a raid, not a defense.

Make sure there's enough raiders before going in[edit | edit source]

ALOT of newteens make the mistake of thinking "eh im sure we have enough people to raid" and go in and fail. It takes 10-15 minutes to create a account or alt account while it only takes 10 seconds for a janny to ban you. If you want to win you have to use numbers to your advantage.

Tell people what YOU'RE going to do[edit | edit source]

Raids are more likely to succeed when people say what each of them are doing at the moment to complete the raid. Having records and information like that will help newteens figure out whats needed or if theres already enough people doing x or y.

Educate yourself on raiding[edit | edit source]

I know it may seem obvious but the better you are at raiding the better you can contribute to raids. The following are some guides that should help you get better at being a true aryan. Mastering these will make you an effective /raid/er, and a master baiter.

  • Ask others about how raiding was done. If you're kind enough and say you care enough about the sharty and just want to help, they might just teach you way more than this page ever could.
  • Learn how to make motivational gems/jaks. The best way to do this is to learn photo editing programs like Gimp or If you can sift through the heap of countrywar & slopjak garbage, you can take inspiration from the Soybooru as well.
  • Learn to use ChatGPT to write convincing fake emails. Great for writing fake sponsorship emails and tricking your target into clicking on a link.
  • Learn how to spot when you're being manipulated by a demoralizer; for this you should read previous successful raid threads and look for demoralization posts to see their tactics.

Learn the very basics of war and combat.[edit | edit source]

NAHHH💀💀💀💀 A BOOK😭😭😭😭😭 This old ass nigga from ohio on skibidi💀💀💀

People in war have to read a book called Soy zu the art of war. Now if you do not know what a book is for the cacas out there. A book is pretty much a bunch of paper with words and images on it. It was used for soyquoting before the internet. This book however is famous and is pretty much the "rules" or "tatics" used in war.

Learn to surrender without admitting Defeat[edit | edit source]

Delay or call a raid off if you feel like

  • There is nobody interested in the /raid/ besides you
  • The odds are impossible, your overwhelmed with actual users / moderators (this isn't a action movie chud, when you are faced against odds to big even for us then sometimes its time to think critically)
  • You have no plan, and you have made no attempts at one before starting the /raid/

However what is 1000% worse than defeat is admitting defeat. Saying "its over" or "its actually done for". Puts a permanent stain on us. Although some demoralizers would say after one fail raid to "Shut down the sharty its actually over", You want to Ignore them. The failures of us are outweighed by the successes. Say that it was just a test run, say that were still going, Make excuses. This is the textbook definition of what real world leaders do because it works.

Have a plan. A acutal plan[edit | edit source]

For this to make sense let us bring up a example plan. Lets say in this plan we have a dox, and we have a jakbox streamer streaming. Here is our barebones plan

Streamer starts streaming -> Soyteen joins jakbox, soyteen spams dox.

Seems like a good plan right? WRONG. Tell me what happens if the streamer closes the jakbox? What happens if we fail to get them in there. You need to plan for what happens(or branches) in scenarios where things do not always work out. How about we adjust the plan to say if he closes the jakbox we raid the discord server with the dox, and we have a bunch of soyteens join beforehand. We plan for what happens with snitches and if snitches tell the owner beforehand we spam the youtube chat with the dox, This has now improved our chances by almost 3x!. ALWAYS plan for failure so you can adjust accordingly.

Remember that raiding takes a lot of hard work! Don't expect everything to happen overnight, and don't forget to participate in raids you start![edit | edit source]

Preventing a failraid is part of a series on
Trolling and Raids

Do we even know who this Snarky Snappy person is?

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