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Edit: Thanks for the gold kind stranger!
Really well meme'd my friend!

R/ihaveihaveihavereddit is darker than coal...

You know what i hate most about the subreddit? Their lack of originality. They have 158 000 members but in two years have produced almost nothing. Their subreddit consists of posting recycled shitposts from other subreddits and using the same comment template hundreds of times under every post (your is: damn something). They don’t have true culture or identity, their only purpose is to make things unfunny and pretend cool and meta-humor enlightened with edgy esoteric slang. And even that is almost fully copy pasted from another community. All of their jaks are made here and then castarated and strelizised before being posted there. It is truly a horrible place and a grim reminder of what Sharty must not become in any circumstances.

~ Chud №7030210

r/ihaveihaveihavereddit is an irony-poisoned safe-edgy "shitposting" subreddit, similar to r/196, which is, just like all other subreddits, populated with incredibly unfunny retarded trannies and autistic faggots who merge their own unfunny inside "jokes" such as "[something] is: damn [something]" (borrowed from mr. incredible becoming uncanny memes) with memes and in-jokes from outside communities. In 2023, r/ihaveihaveihaveanaxewound users took particular interests in incomprehensible wojacks and sharty terminology such as gem, coal, brimstone, poopson, etc, and decided to incorporate it into their cancerous reddit "culture", they also really like the Incredible Gassy forced meme.

Ruination[edit | edit source]

Throughout April 27 and 28 of 2024, the sharty finally decided to invade the subreddit and show them what REAL sharty culture is like. Of course anything soyjak-related that isn't le hecking incomprehensible wojacks causes the reddit troons to break down in fear and dilation, and r/iwannaiwannaiwannakillmyself jannies decided to lock the subreddit for a while because of the raid.[1] A rogue sympathetic mod then started spamming the sub and modding other soyteens at request. As a result 5 months worth of posts were briefly wiped, before reddit admins undid the damage and locked all of the raiders out of their accounts.[2] One of the raiders hacked into one of the subreddit's janny's accounts and began permabanning users of the sub en-masse with a message reading "TOL TOL TOL TOL TOL TOL TOL TOL".[3]

On April 29, The TOL hacker decided to make a stickied post on the site advertising the sharty.[4] The hacker then proceeded to ban all the moderators of the sub and wipe every last post except the sharty ad, thus declaring a 'party WIN over the sub.[5]

The meaning of TOL[edit | edit source]

Now, you may think that the phrase "TOL" is just a simple, Gemmy abbreviation of Total Orban Loss, yet it happens to be something even Gemmier.

TOL is the meaning of life.

TOL is all around us. TOL was a prophecy set by God Himself so that one day, This subreddit will die out. It is inevitable that this one phrase is set to do something good for once and not once did it dissapoint. TOL, in every case possible, is the Gem that saved the party.



^This man's level of optimism is heccin' inspiring

April Invasion Seethe Gallery[edit | edit source]

May butthurt gallery[edit | edit source]

After the 'arty's successful MOGGING of r/ihaveihaveihaveaids, multiple users on the multitude of other similarly garbage shitpost subreddits began seething and projecting their pedophilia and internet addiction onto soyteens. Enjoy!

See also[edit | edit source]

Citations[edit source]

R/ihaveihaveihavereddit is part of a series on
Trolling and Raids

Do we even know, who is this Snarky Snappy person or website?

Operations [-+]
Targets [-+]
Techniques [-+]
Types of raids [-+]
Trolling groups [-+]