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Don't wipe this page and replace it with 'p. You can become the Party's #1 gegbull by saying RDrama won.
Edit: Thanks for the gold kind stranger!

Really well meme'd my friend!
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You WILL going to fix the grammer of page and section.
RDrama is Jewish.

rDrama also known as (IP GRABBER DO NOT VISIT) is a 4cuck retirement home internet forum/reddit clone based on the now obliterated ruqqus. It is best known for users being autistic terminally online 'cord users and reacting or mocking random news articles and sometimes searching and orchestrating drama on various sites including the sharty while 'teens are known for raiding the place. Overall rdrama's relations with the sharty are dull, as there isn't much mutual interest.

History[edit | edit source]

Origins and creation[edit | edit source] is an site created around May 2021, with its founders being Aevann and carpathianflorist, confirmed CIA agent, jewish banker and a valid trans queen. was created for the users of r/drama, a subreddit, to continue their campaigns since the reddit admins were becoming far too strict for them. (Sound familiar, innit?) The subreddit was put down in 2024, but most of it's userbase have moved to rDrama long ago.

Notable dramas and operations[edit | edit source]

r/place 2021 scandal[edit | edit source]

Marsey, the mascot of rDrama, had made it on r/place much to the dismay of the reddit moderators, who then using their privelleges removed Marsey from r/place, something which was noticed even by other redditors and tainted the pristine reputation of r/place.[1][2]

r/AntiHateCommunities[edit | edit source]

Libleft LARP subreddit founded by rDrama users and dedicated to making fun of /r/AgainstHateSubreddits. Also frequented by Buffalo mass shooter Payton Gendron.[3] The subreddit had over 40k users by the time it was finally banned by Reddit administrators (probably for the aforementioned reason).

r/teenagers banwave[edit | edit source]

rDrama jannies back when they still had their subreddit banned all teenagers from their subreddit and it turned out that most r/teenagers users were pedophiles[4]. Redditors still mention it to this day.

r/Justice4Darrell[edit | edit source]

rDrama users pretending to be supporters of Waukesha van attacker Darrell Brooks. The subreddit managed to actually interfere with his trial.[5][6]

r/LoveForLandlords[edit | edit source]

rDrama users pretending to be landlords in an attempt to make redditors seethe because landlords are LE BAD or something

r/LoveForScalpers[edit | edit source]

rDrama users pretending to be scalpers in an attempt to make redditors seethe because Scalpers are LE BAD

r/transparenttranskid[edit | edit source]

rDrama users pretending to be parents transitioning their children's gender. This caused outrage and right wingers to report on it. Reddit eventually banned the subreddit.

r/transpets[edit | edit source]

This time rDrama users were pretending to be pet/animal owners transitioning their pet's gender. This caused some outrage too. Once again, Reddit eventually banned the subreddit.

r/TXBountyHunters[edit | edit source]

In the wake of a Texan proposed bill to criminalize abortions, rDrama users made a fake subreddit called r/TXbountyHunters to LARP as "abortion bounty hunters". The bill proposed for Texan citizens to report women and healthcare providers involved in getting/assiting abortions in exchange for a $10,000 bounty. rDrama users posted ragebait consisting of snitching on pregnant women to the authorities for money. These stories went viral and spread to mainstream news publications. After just a few hours, the subreddit was shut it downed by the gigajannies of Reddit, but the damage was done.

EtikaPunks[edit | edit source]

rDrama users publishing NFTs to make Xitterinos mad or something like that. This caused some hilarious drama and seething on the internet.[7]

ruqqus[edit | edit source]

Warning! The following may feature disinfo, psy-ops, or other infohazards created by the CIA. Proceed with caution.

rDrama was based on ruqqus; something you must understand if you want to be literate in rDrama history is the creation and fall of ruqqus (it's spelled ruqqus not Ruqqus); Since rDrama was heavily involved in it's downfall and it being a major conflict on ruqqus.

ruqqus was created by three faggots: Kek, (massive easily manipulated yid) captainmeta4 (massive weak minded faggot) and arkitekt (only slightly above rock bottom co-founder because he doesn't get shirty about every piece of critisism). It was meant to be an open-source, libre, freespeech reddit clone. Which it did succeed at for only like 2 years im bad with remembering the dates. It gained users not because it was good at advertising, it was because it got created at the right time since reddit was about to ban every slightly PI subreddit. This included big ones like r/mgtow. This quickly established the culture on the site, alt-right conservative or whatever it was called i dont know everything; This caused the moderators to poop 2 their pants, they were U.S. based and the hecking hate speech was becoming a problem, this isn't even mentioning the other problem; ruqqus had a discord server and those disctroons were constantly whispering the most stupidest changes, in citations there is a youtube video going further into the subject. These factors caused the most unreasonable rule, a change in hatespeech policy.

The site always followed U.S. law but what hate speech defines stayed vague. The 3 faggots decided that they should follow the definition given by one judge one time. This threw a spanner in the works causing the deletion of many guilds. (how subreddits were called) Examples: Things israel did wrong, fat people hate, etc. The founders were already being hated specially captainmeta4 after having recieved 1 BTC from some french fag for censorship, the admins were desprately trying to simmer the flames by making guilds private, eventuay they folded and made ruqqus non freespeech and made one post, ruqqus pivot.

They were well in it and couldnt handle the stress and branded themselves as an non-freespeech decentralized service (Which it wasnt though). During all this time rdrama (a fork of the ruqqus) was active with its founder (carp) being very close with the founders of ruqqus, this raised suspicion and it was believed the confirmed glowie that was carp was orchestrating this. Of course those claims were silenced in a jiffy. Despite everyone being miffed with carp on the site the founders still sided with xer 'till the end (carp is such a massive faggot that i cant even keep track of xer bloody gender). Eventually the ruqqus admins folded again and just shut it down like a good little goy and with when entering the site a single post appears written by carp:

"So let's talk about those users for a bit before moving on to lighter topics, specifically how incomprehensibly low IQ they all are." "Ruqqus failed - and all similar projects will continue to fail - because the userbase is spectacularly, impossible-to-satirize levels of unintelligent. They have no interests whatsoever besides anonymous, impotent rage at demographics they want to blame for their failure to amount to anything. They have no personality. They have no value as people, individually or collectively, socially or politically or economically. They have no future. Their only purpose is as a cautionary tale".

It was over, carp had won and converted the admins to judaism. Eventually directed to May this be a tale for many, never open a trooncord and if you give someone enough rope, they'll hang you with it.

Site culture[edit | edit source]

Agenda posting[edit | edit source]

An important rule on the website that non-approved agenda posting isn't allowed. All agenda posting must be done in a more subtle way. also are words like retard and faggot censored and replaced with approved ones (thats only if you have the slur filter on doe).

The agendaposting page completely ruins the larp, and should be included when anything from raids to random posts are presented on the sharty.

Don't get your chain yanked and keep raiding.

Marsey[edit | edit source]

Marsey the cutest most valid kitty cat

Marsey is the mascot of /r/Drama and rDrama. Originating from a telegram sticker pack it got popularized by one user because he kept mocking people with the laughing Marsey sticker which eventually got popular with other users, the laughing marsey is the first one used. rDrama users have been creating many variations of Marsey and nearly all emoticon or stickers or whatever theyre called on rDrama are with Marsey; Marsey is to rdrama what soyjaks are to sharty.

LARP[edit | edit source]

Following a poll once made by admin carpathianflorist in 2023, it was revealed that 80% of the site's users were straight males. This wasn't a revelation for many, who rightfully didn't think they were actually interacting with gays, women, or even troons.

The entire point of the larp is most likely to house a place for normal trolls while avoiding the Kiwifarms treatment, or to keep 4cuck and twitter chuds from using the website as their personal sandbox for lukewarm takes and "seriousposting" and making the site into unfunny political garbage, which is what the site already is.

Drama[edit | edit source]

The main focus of the site is creating drama, on site and off-site. You are encouraged to brigade and argue in bad faith. Dramacoin (reddit karma) Allows you to buy awards to mildly inconvenience people, unless you pay them, in which case you can mildly inconvenience someone but with a bigger number.

ps. You can't delete your account, so in case you make one, make a kerfuffle on the website until they shadowban you.

Dox[edit | edit source]

In October 2024, Soyteens doxxed the pro-tranny rDrama and WatchPeopleDie janny DWhite_Dynamite.[8][9]

Name: Jamison Powell Daline

Age: 38 (born in May 1986)

Address: 830 17th St NE, Salem, OR

IP addresses:

Email addresses: and

Password: texmexx1

Parents: Bret Mitchell Daline & Katherine Anne Skiles

Citations[edit source]

RDrama is part of a series on
Trolling and Raids
Visit the Soyfare portal for more.

Do we even know, who is this Snarky Snappy person or website?

Operations [-+]
Targets [-+]
Techniques [-+]
Types of raids [-+]
Trolling groups [-+]