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Say the line, Wojak

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This topic was created by or has connections to Twitter immigrants ong no 🧢💯🔥🔥🔥
Don't trust any tweets you see. Add a community note to every revision in this page's history to make the oldfags mald.

The tweet that started the meme.

Say the line, Wojak is a Wojak and soyjak comic format that depicts a figure (usually a GigaChad) asking an overly specific 'jak to say a pun based on their appearance. The meme can be traced to a Twitter post from January 30th, 2022, posted by the user ActualFishReal. The original post had GigaChad telling Squirreljak to say his "This guy is NUTS!" line. The memes are mainly seen on Twitter, and were briefly popular in 2022.

Analysis[edit | edit source]

There's many different ventures in which one could interpret this meme, specially focusing on the psyche of xitter immigrants in relation to overall soyjak culture. You could see it as simply a glorified way to make puns, or as a reference to squirreljak and his iconic catchphrase, with other variants being created out of natural need to extend a meme; but it could go much deeper than that. It can also be considered as an overall view of soy culture from an outside perspective, pointing out how many soyjaks are created for one-off or niche usage with questionable capabilities for a punchline, which further speaks of how twitter users view soyjaks as incomprehensible. The usage of a gigachad asking the questions, is not only a reference to gigaquoting, but is also symbolic to the endurance of jakkers to continue making new drawings and variants to truly depict anything as a soyjak, despite of whether or not they can actually be used for many scenarios or soyquoting. It could also be noted how many of these posts are done with variants of wojaks, which help cement how immigrants created the meme, since those don't see soyjak culture as a separate entity, but yes as an extension of wojak culture.

Gallery[edit | edit source]

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