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This page's topic is brimstone


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didn't outlast the jarty award

The shoally is more dead than the jarty.

(You) can help by using was/were pronouns on them and updating this page to make it better reflect the project's death.

(Cause of Death: Admins got tired of running the site)
This topic is literally THE SHEMMY
Goon to everything (You) see. Namefag in every revision on this page to make Tama and Mameson avatarfagging sharty culture.

This page is being censored
This page has been subject to a censorship campaign. Read every revision in the page's history to learn the truth.
🤣 Rest in piss, Shemmy 🤣
Smoking that Shemmy pack tonight.
The shoally is SHEMMY-ESQUE VANTABLACK BRIMSTONE straight from the FIERY DEPTHS OF /LGBT/!!!!!!!!!!!
FoundationJanuary 22nd, 2024
Major Boards/soy/, /qa/, /sgp/, /art/
Total posts643,799

The Shemmy, also known as the Shitmmy, Shemailes, Shemales, Shoally, Coally, and The Discord Splinter, also known as the Garty and the Gemmy was a dead-on-arrival "Soyjak"-themed imageboard created by Svvt. It was yet another failed splinter of originally created as a safe place where The Shemgloopus could seethe about The Sharty and goon in peace all while switching administrators like a 15 year old Steven Universe tumblr artist's xenogender.

The Shoally, like the Jarty before it, has attempted to become a competitor to and replace it as the primary Soyjak imageboard. Alas, this never happened, mostly due to the only 4 users caring more about NAS, porn fetishes, namefag drama and obsessing about The Sharty, rather than Soyjaks.

Their sort-of mascot was an abomination they created called "Mameson". They also transhearted taking old Sharty domains because originality was beyond them.

It had a booru (which has survived the shoally shutdown so far) and wiki. On January 27, 2025 the admins announced that the shoally would shut down the 31st. The site shut down 3 days later on January 30th, 2025, one day before the 31st.[OHNONONONONONOO SHEMALES WHAT IS THIS????]

Homepage of the Shoally on July 3rd, 2024.

Boards[edit | edit source]

Current Boards before the shutdown[edit | edit source]

From the shoally's creation to its shutdown, the list of active boards shifted very frequently. This is poorly documented.

When it shut down, the imageboard consisted of roughly 6 boards:

  • /sgp/ - The Shemmy

A meta board, equivalent to the Sharty's /q/. Most complaints were funneled into the stickied thread.

  • /qa/ - Question & Answer

This was the "main" board after the merge with /soy/, and the most active prior to the site shutting down. Post-merge with /soy/ it was a combination of the Sharty's /soy/ and /qa/, with shoally culture mixed in. Attempting to visit /soy/ post-merge redirected to this board.

  • /art/ - Artwork/Critique

A general art board for any topics that were art related. It can be most closely compared to the Sharty's /r/, but it was patently different in concept and content.

  • /z/ - Z

Russian ah ass board

  • /f/ - Flash

A board for uploading .swf files

  • /ohio2/ - ohio2


Hidden[edit | edit source]

  • /j/ - Jannies

A board that could only be accessed by moderators and the like. Unlisted, therefore hidden.

Former Boards[edit | edit source]

  • /soy/ - Soyjaks

The shoally's /soy/ was closer to the sharty's /qa/, due to high tolereance of NAS. It was filled with low effort bait, self-inserting, drama and lots of NAS. Attempting to visit this board post-merge redirected the user to /qa/, which was the new main board.

  • /korea/

The shoally's knock-off of /nate/. It was likewise hidden from launch, but now entirely deleted.

  • /mm/ - Moon Man

For half of its existence, it had no images of Moon Man, due to server errors. Dead on arrival. Didn't even get documented on the shoally's wiki. Archives show that, at one point, /mm/ had pictures of Moon Man, AKA Mac Tonight. However, it was all quickly slid to page 2 by off-topic coal.

  • /b/ - Random

The shoally's 1488th random board no one asked for. Unspoilered NSFW was tolerated.

  • /vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

Another FOTM board, about Vtubers. According to the shoally wiki, the sticky was a direct copy of 4cuck's /vt/ sticky.

  • /sss/ - Sh*t Shemmy Says

One of the longest lasting boards on the shoally, besides /sgp/ and /qa/. The content is very similar to 4cuck's /bant/ and /s4s/. Used to have hitmarkers on click and a custom MLG theme.

  • /mtv/ - Music, TV & Vidya

Present on January 23rd, survived until at least April.

  • /aa/ - African Americans

Mainly contained pictures of African Americans.

  • /tech/ - Technology

The shoally's technology board. For a while, it was hidden. Shortly afterwards, the existing images broke.

  • /int/ - International/Interests

Formerly /int/ - International. /int/ was very loosely centered around countries. Used to put flags on posts and contain country wars. Not documented on the shoally wiki.

  • /gen/ - Generals

Dead board with 0 PPD for discussion of general topics.

  • /ohio/ - Ohio

Unlike the sharty's /ohio/, the purpose of the shoally's /ohio/ was unknown. You could find mostly porn, furshit and MLP posts in this board.

  • /ptb/ - Public Testing Board

Similar to Sharty's /ptb/. Unsurprisingly, it's as public as the name suggests.

  • /zellig/ - Ongezellig

Ongezellig discussion.

  • /fnf/ - Friday Night Funkin'

kys fnf pedo

  • /x/ - Paranormal

For satanic niggers to dilate over astrology or something. Reopened roughly on September 14th, as /x/ - Schizophrenia. A dead board with gay rape porn as the only thread.

  • /liberty/ - jarty tribute

A tribute to the jarty's /liberty/ board, created shortly after Lute announced that would be shutting down.

  • /mlp/ - Pony

My Little Pony discussion.

  • /uni/ - Unicycles

Likely a reference to the sharty's former /uni/ - Unicycling board.

  • /pol/ - Politically Incorrect

Banners for /pol/ still exist, however they are just links to the 'churro.

Owner[edit | edit source]

The first owner was Svvt who ruled for a few months. On May 15th, 2024, Foot took over for 4 days. He was then replaced by Doll on the 19th of May, 2024. After a day of ownership Doll was replaced by Lee, the former developer and also the owner of the Shemmy wiki and gembooru. After 24 days of being admin lee would be replaced by Angeleno as the admin of the shoally.

Sometime after Angeleno said that he would leave the Shoally, an election to decide who would be the next admin happened. Vadim & Doddermodd ended up winning and became the admins of the website.

History[edit | edit source]

Israel rangeban page (updated)

After a week of pure brimstone following a week of gems (just like muh an eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth), /soy/ discussed creating a potential splinter site called "[REDACTED]". Not much was known about the owner of the domain at the time, his intentions, or what he was called at the time, but many soyteens were pleased and made gems in the thread.

the first person to get banned on the shoally is a jew that got accepted as a janny.
first ban archived
first ever screencap of the domain

The Shoally was introduced by "Svvt" on the 'party's /soy/ board out of dissidence against Froot and the FDL, and was almost immediately wordfiltered to

After over a month of unexpected growth, the Shoally had experienced multiple successful raids on some random altchans, 4chan boards & threads, whiteboards, and even trolling twitch streamers.

Not only that, SPVA decided to upload content from the Shoally as well as officially endorsing it in his community tab and video descriptions. Doll had made appearances on the site two times before in pseudo Q&As, also serving as a janitor for a brief while, alongside Angeleno at the beginning of the site.

The site had experienced trouble not unlike the Sharty in its early past, such as The Great Reset and the Codecaca incident, despite these setbacks the site still experienced growth and would dominate the other splinter sites quickly, passing the jarty in only a matter of months.

The site had occasionally been used as a bunker during outages that happened during the Root Era. During much of the early Root Era the Shoally would have skirmishes against other splinter sites such as and the jarty.

When Foot took over in May 15th, 2024, ze cut down on the number of boards among other changes. The next day, ze held an AMA.

On May 19th, 2024, DOLL bought the site from Svvt, ending Foot's 4-day rule. After multiple days of the userbase protesting or migrating to the Jarty, the staff team decided to replace Doll with the previous developer, Lee.

On July 30th, 2024, Shoallycacas, being the obese brapping 'cord troons xhey are, decided it would be a good idea to report to its registrar, a few hours later, Froot was brought to attention and later negotiated with Angeleno via telegram, requesting action to be taken on the preparator, to no avail, Angeleno left him on read, ever since then tensions between what remains of the Shoally and The Schlog have been high. Despite this, their userbase still overlaps.

Shutdown[edit | edit source]

On January 27, 2025, only 5 days after the shoally's first anniversary and a long decline in user base, Vadim and Poly announced that the site would shut down the 31st of January due to "months of increasingly harder attacks against the site and stress on the admin's lives". Due to the site effectively becoming a Discord server due to the normalization of NAS and namefags and avatarfags, the shutdown announcement is generally seen as the gem that saved the sharty on the TRVE soysphere. Shortly after, the domains were put on auction. The site for a while redirected to a site whose name we will NOT say as it hosts drawn 'p (KEEEEEEEEEEEK NUSHOALLYCACAS WHAT'S THIS), then the site somehow returned before turning into a page about the domain auction. The domains were sold on February 14, 2025.

Controversy[edit | edit source]

There have been multiple controversies on the Shoally, most importantly accusations of the Shoally being connected to the 'cord. While some arguments can be made about the validity of this claim, it has been shown that 'cord members were usually kicked off the site the moment they were found out.

Two examples of this are related to staff, one moderator and one janny were publicly found out to be 'cord faggots.[it just is, ok?] Both as of writing were both fired and to be banned if they were caught on the site.

Some have concluded that the site was a harbor for people who were banned on the sharty such as Feralteen, Scar and the Alunya avatarfag. Others claim that discord trannies were the userbase of the site with its less rulecucked ways. Considering this and the removal of its rules against avatarfagging, it was normalized on the Shoally and was usually an argument against using the site.

Another point that is brought up is that the site itself had no culture and was just a NAS garbage pit, this has some validity though due to the fact that jannies have made it clear they were content with allowing NAS on /soy/. Two major examples of which were frogs and tranime.

Another issue that some 'teens have are with how the site's moderation worked, with some saying it was too rulecucked, or way too non-rulecucked.

February 26th Discord Incident[edit | edit source]

For context, the Shoally had a developer called "Codefag", recruited sometime in early February. Due to Codefag's laziness, faggotry, and retardation, he decided he'd get somebody to help him develop the site.

On February 26th, a new developer was added to help with development of the site, only being refered to as "CodeCaca" by Codefag. Almost instantly, it turned out to be a fatal mistake, because the new developer turned out to be an Aftertranny gone rogue.

The rogue developer went on to create a thread on the sharty's /soy/ leaking sensitive information such as the Shoally's Banlist, The Janny List, some threads in /j/, the janny only board, etc. Xhe later wiped the Shoally's /soy/ with a bot, erasing days of hard work, and necrobumping 30 day old threads.

The other Shoally developer, Codefag, saw this and went on to create a video of the Shoally's catalog to prove it wasn't dead. However, xhe forgot to log off off xher mod account and, as a result, the posters' IPs and deletion passwords were shown on the catalog, even leaking xher thread deletion passwords.

After being utterly embarassed, Codefag's last statement was: "its codefag i deleted my user back to being 4chan anon bye y'all"

This, however, was not the end of the situation, as just moments later the site became inaccessible with the home page just being replaced with text that said:



It's unknown if this was Codefag or CodeCaca's doing, although Svvt's words made it seem like Codefag did this.

This led to mass-immigration from the now-shat-up Shoally back to the Sharty, and, shortly after, to a Shoally-controlled bunker that was made by Scar. However, this was all short-lived, as the shutdown lasted only 45 minutes before things returned to normal.

This incident showed a few of the issues within the Shoally, such as the mismanagement, the almost daily drama, da 'cooooord, the lack of the mod team's critical thinking skills and much, much more. It resulted in the site's staff being unwilling to recruit any new jannies.

See also[edit | edit source]

  • - Another failed splinter that tried to compete with the sharty; except this one became filled with gooners.
  • NAS - "/soy/" on the shoally was filled with NAS, so much that it got merged into /qa/.
  • Namefags - Just like NAS, namefagging was allowed and prevalent on the shoally.
  • Mameson - NAS created by the shoally, used as their de facto mascot.
  • Sean - Nate spin-off.
  • Tama - Also created by the shoally, it's NAS tranime coal.
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