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Skibidi Farms

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You can help by notifying the authorities and Chris Hansen, and also by ordering 'za to xer house
This topic was created by or has connections to FAILTROLLS
Don't wipe this page and replace it with 'p. You can become the Party's #1 gegbull by saying Skibidi Farms won.
This topic was created by or has connections to Der 'Cord
Don't trust any kitten you see. Verify for the self harm server's 18+ channel to get free nitro and gore 'p.
This topic has connections to Kiwi Farms
Milk every gegbvll you see.
Archive every JULAAAAAY in this page's history to learn the truth.
Skibidi Farms is full of criminals

Some actions taken by individuals in this group are not in accordance with the law.
They should not be replicated nor condoned.
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This site has a gross history of spoofing visitors' IPs (and possibly utilizing them for trolling).[1] It is HIGHLY advised that you use a VPN or any other type of proxy before going there avoid going there at all costs.

The Skibidi Farms logo
The site's users - including its moderators - openly advocate for pedophilia without any trace of irony whatsoever.
NoLimitsPedia announces its official partnership with Skibidi Farms.
The beginning of Swedish Win's raid on Skibidi Farms.
Skibidi Farms discovers this article.

Skibidi Farms is a Kiwi Farms knock-off run by foodist pedophiles. The site is officially partnered with NoLimitsPedia.[2][3] Along with organizing raids on and other Soysphere sites (all of which are failraids because they, like NLP, can't raid for shit), Skibidi Farms users "ironically" advocate pedophilia and worship Peter Scully, the Australian man who produced the most horrific 'P known to exist (including the infamous Daisy's Destruction video) to OWN DA MORALFAGS or something.

An effort to raid Skibidi Farms and dox its users by (rare splinter W) is currently ongoing on the splinter's /raid/ board (Skibidi Farms had previously been raided by The Ribbit Rally).[4] Any mention of Skibidi Farms on the Sharty results in an immediate auto-permaban for posting illegal content. Skibidi Farms moved to a .st domain after its .net domain was dropped.[5]

The website has fewer than 1,000 total posts, yet more than 88% of these posts were contributed by just 10 users, out of a total user population of 65. The second most active user of the site is Elaine April Gertler-Miller, an extremely mentally ill and retarded woman who claims to be a part of many criminal groups such as 764 (a supposed Satanic pedophile cabal extorting children on major platforms, even though, in reality they're a bunch of barely related Discord trannies pretending to be James Bond supervillains).[6] She even has her own thread on Kiwi Farms.[7]

Skibidi Farms is a sort of spiritual THE successor to (a domain which later redirected to Skibidi Farms), a very similar (but less overtly pedophilic) foodist site dedicated primarily to doxxing and raiding. Wikitubia, in its entry about Foodistzen, describes as such:

On October 9, 2022[8], a forum website was created entitled Clay.Party, the site while only lasting a mere four months and twenty-six days[9] had a immeasurably large impact for its size. It quickly garnered a reputation of hosting shocking content and doxxed information of various people[10][11][12][13] Some of its members would be accused of being pedophiles.[14]

The forum consists mostly of a core group of former Foodists[15], most notably MattLav, who had previously merged with Foodistzen's group after being introduced by one of the Foodist members in early 2022. As such, many members have "Foodist" in their name and carry many of the Foodist traditions, such as mentioning Abdul, using the images of doxxed individuals as profile pictures, and making fun of dead celebrities and people.[16]

Foodistzen would later join the site and be granted owner role by the head administrator named "O.J. Simpson", later uploading videos to his TikTok account advertising the site.[17]

Deplatforming efforts[edit | edit source]

Skibidi Farms was taken down on November 4th, 2024, after its host discovered that the site was not only hosting links to CSAM, but that the site's owner was also actively encouraging users to spam CSAM and animal gore at Murder Drones fan accounts on Twitter.[18] However, the site was resurrected the next day (and on the same .st domain).[19]

The site was dropped by 1984 host a second time on November 6th.

In January 2025, Skibidi Farms was DDoSed by RGGC, who planned to release dox on the owner of Skibidi Farms (Wickerkid), but quit working on the dox shortly afterwards.

Citations[edit source]

Skibidi Farms
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Trolling and Raids
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Do we even know, who is this Snarky Snappy person or website?

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