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Sootism is a political ideology which favors actions that would likely be appreciated by former admin, Soot. This includes upholding a IAS-focused site, while also creating spaces (i.e. additional boards) where sharty culture NAS can thrive. Sootists are more opposed to new users and generally aren't comfortable with the site culture spreading outside onto other sites, or other site's cultures spreading on their site, so they pefer a "secret club" environment. Sootists are against admin/janny worship as opposed to kuzists. Those who follow this line of thinking are known as “sootists” or “sootriots”.

Sootism can be seen as the sharty form of conservativism as it centers around keeping the site IAS and traditional, similar to /qa/.

On June 30th, 2023, the sharty held a one-day event when they reverted to a ‘soot-rules era’. This among other things legalized pornposting (for the first few hours), while criminalizing ‘p and the posting of other illegal content even doe this has always been against the rules.

The biggest sootist collective is the splinter site best known as the Jarty. This site splintered off from the sharty after the great purchase in rebelion against kuz, who the site's userbase is still completely obsessed with, regardless of the fact he is no longer relevant to the sharty.

Sootism and its variants, as of the time of writing, is the largest political allegiance in the Party according to a recent poll,[1] at around 25%.

Dark Sootism and Bright Sootism[edit | edit source]

Dark Sootism is a sub-ideology that emphasizes preserving the legacy of Soot by advocating for his return as an administrator. It appears to be less concerned with the current state of the website and more focused on the idea of a comeback. It is best known for its reactionary principles.

In contrast, Bright Sootism is described as an ideology that aims to maintain what is believed to be Soot’s vision for the site. Bright Sootists seem willing to collaborate with the current administration to preserve the site’s spirit as established by former administrators and staff. It is best described as being extremely conservative, in contrast to the liberal Kuzism and the moderate Dollism, Frootism and Rootism.

The key difference lies in their approach to the current administration and the site’s direction. Dark Sootism is characterized by a desire for change in leadership, while Bright Sootism is about working within the existing framework to uphold certain ideals. Both ideologies share a common reverence for Soot’s contributions but diverge in their strategies for honoring his legacy. Dark Sootism and Bright Sootism are not widely recognized ideologies, however, they have formally existed since Soot's q&a in 24/09/2022.

The split is likely a result of the recent conflict over the legitimacy of the former admin Kuz. Bright Sootists agree that Kuz saved the Party from dying out and was the successor to Soot's administration, while Dark Sootists believe that the succession is illegitimate. Bright Sootists are often accused of hypocrisy by Dark Sootists as a result. Dark Sootists argue that the "real" Sootist ideology should be focused on "bringing back Soot" as he was one of the few administrators that cared about the site and wasn't a lazy piece of shit. It has been said that Dark Sootism represents an older style of the Sootism ideology that predates Soot's q&a. Bright Sootists also often point out that the only reason Kuz was even promoted to admin was because Soot himself chose him, giving him some legitimacy. It is unclear which Sootist ideology Soot himself would support, but it's likely that he would support the Dark Sootist ideology. Bright Sootists point out that Soot has abandoned the site even when he was still admin, so he doesn't have a right to become admin again.