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Imageboard website
FoundedJuly 17th, 2023
Major Boards/soy/, /qa/
CreatorUnknown, likely someone from Kolyma
Total Posts174[1]
Active Posters44[1], also known as "The 'orgy'" was a squatted site of unclear and mysterious ownership that was squatted during the Kolyma rule of the 'party. There were three uses of the site: The first being a squatted domain to prevent people from turning the 'party into a splinter site, a splinter/test site itself (possibly relating to the Second Great Purchase), and finally the main temporary domain for following Dynadot dropping

As a splinter site?[edit | edit source]

For reasons most likely relating to The Second Great Purchase, posting allegedly was opened on July 17th or even before, but was not widely noticed until 1 vigilant 'teen made a thread on /soy/ about the matter a day later. The board was closed within an hour of its opening, and now has once again continued to redirect people to The board's /soy/ was flooded with 'p the moment it was publicly mentioned. The whole site was very poorly archived due to concerns of also archiving CSAM.

GETs[edit | edit source]

No.1 schorgy GETs in this order: /q/, /soy/, /qa/, /tech/, /int/, /a/, /r/, /pol/, /sneed/, /mtv/
The hundredth post on /soy/, cementing a brief 📸 movie victory into shorgy history.

Very little GETs besides no.1's were gotten within the Soychan's uptime. However, all of them (with the exception of /nate/) have been confirmed to be sharty approved, organic, and frognigger free gemeralds

Joeyyposters were able to claim no.100 on /soy/, and an image of Maya was the no.69[it just is, ok?]

History[edit | edit source]

As of June 27, 2024, Typing in the Url for the defunct site redirects you to Imagine (Ultimate Mix) by John Lennon on the 'Tube

As of October 27th, 2024, The site is up again but in an archived state.[2]
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