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(You) can help by using was/were pronouns on them and updating this page to make it better reflect the project's death.

(Cause of Death: Codefag realized he will never be a real woman.)
CC Front Page
Front page or just "The CC" was a website dedicated to the hosting of Shit Nobody Cares About AKA random soysphere related sites and pages.

It also hosted the creator's (Codefag) portfolio and a few of xis works,[1] before he ACKED it.[2]

Hosting[edit | edit source]

The main purpose of the site was hosting other 'teens sites and the like, as well as providing emails, and hosting simple scripts and namefag rants.

To get their own site or the like, 'teens would simply email Codefag with the code of their site, what they'd like on their page, script, or software, and xe would quickly set it up, and give said 'teen admin permission.

There were some limited rules on the main site, and if broken, the respective page or subdomain would be taken down.

Codenigger's new self insert
Nu-self insert

History[edit | edit source] had existed since 2/18/24, and had taken on a few roles.

At first it was just some 3 line blog of Codefag babbling about himself, but within a few months became his portfolio, and within the last 2 months it had become a free hosting service

Sites Hosted[edit | edit source]
is part of a series on

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