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>Though maybe you were looking for the variant that started it all?
Bald men with glasses
Some of the first soyjaks to exist. Clockwise from top left: Soyak, A24, Feraljak, Tony Soprano, Markiplier Soyjak, and Gapejak
Cultural phenomenon
Created byThe Swede
DateDecember 30th, 2017 - Unknown

Soyjaks, also known as Soyboy Wojaks and bald men with glasses, are humorous depictions of effeminate males called soy boys. Soyjaks and their use has become its own subculture, originally on the now-defunct Question & Answer board of the website 4chan, and now on and other websites known collectively as the Soysphere, where a community of individuals known as soyteens have gathered. Soyjaks are traditionally used to imply that one's opponent is, in fact, a soy boy who looks like these depictions and says whatever is being quoted (usually their own past words). Two soyteens may quote each other back and forth with soyjaks in a competitive event known as a soyduel.

Although the exact origin of soyjaks is a contentious topic, with multiple proto-soyjaks being discussed as potential first soyjaks, most agree that the Soyak image created by the artist known as The Swede on December 30th, 2017[1] is the first instance to meet all the known characteristics of a soyjak.

Specific images of soyjaks that are famous enough to have a name are called variants. A variant is graded as either IAS (Is a Soyjak) or NAS (Not a Soyjak). In order for a variant to be considered IAS, it must possess certain qualities such as baldness, an open mouth, glasses, forehead wrinkles, and more. Besides that, a variant may be declared a gem (a good variant) or coal (a bad variant).

As an art form[edit | edit source]

Although the concept of 'jakking is frequently dismissed as strawman argumentation by the masses and criticized by trannies, 'jakking and its culture has been acknowledged by some spectators as a form of subversive commentary on modern human nature, as well as expressionist and sometimes (as the CIA would put it) surrealist art, especially in regard to its following, wide variety of images, and their literary contexts produced as a result.

The vast majority of soyjaks are not anti-aliased. This means that they are easy to edit, even with basic software like Microsoft Paint. As a result, soyjaks can be quickly modified to create personalized attacks on individuals of any race, creed, color, nationality, or gender . An excess of these soyjaks can be found on the SoyBooru, a website that serves as a repository of them.

Although originally designed to mock a certain kind of stereotypical, left-leaning, media-consuming male, soyjaks have evolved far beyond their original scope and can now be used to represent any being or object, or even oneself.

Gallery[edit | edit source]

Citations[edit source]

Soyjak is part of a series on
Soyjak variants
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Main article: NAS

WojakNon-Wojak SoysWikipe-tanNPCSoylita (Shoyta) ♦ MexiaryanMexiwhoreCobbessSoytan (Sproketan) ♦ TamaSubaGigachadPepeSoySubaChadjakPissluffarePetraPoopyPoopsonBoykisserEnbiePink-Haired EnbieLennonjak

Featured Gem December 11 and 12, 2024
Preceded by
Lee Goldson
Soyjak Succeeded by
Spotemgottem & Pooh Shiesty