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The Wall of Soy (Patient)

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The Wall of Soy was a patient at the Mental Asylum.

Patient File[edit | edit source]

Asylum Patient
ID: 1020
Name: The Wall of Soy
Threat level: Critical
Filed: 2020-11-25
By: Dr. Soyowad

Soy Patient File: Patient 1020

Name: The Wall Of Soy
Threat Level: Critical
Description: Patient 1020, if you could call it a """Patient""", is a strange, fleshy creature that resembles multiple severed faces of Caucasian men with beards, glasses, and a permanently-agape mouth. The faces are not sentient and could not be described as a human-- They look more like dummies or mannequins. The jaws distend in varying sizes, varying from 1 inch below average to several feet. The growth has currently been stopped in the sewer of the mental ward's high tech medical labs; the fleshy growth has attached itself to several ventilation shafts and underground elevators. The squishy human-like texture of the creature's skin resembles discolored human flesh. Any attempt to damage it has resulted in it quickly growing back then spreading further. Due to this, the growth is to be left alone before it grows further. Several staff have gone missing after entering its area of growth. Usually, after a disappearance near the area, it's very common for someone to report hearing sounds of tearing flesh and screaming inside of it's roots.

EXPERIMENTATION LOG : Subject S0Y-10020 was given a flashlight, camera, and backpack with other supplies. He was instructed to enter the dark outgrowths of the medical labs sewer section. Due to darkness, the flashlight only illuminates a few feet in front of the subject. The log begins now.


SUB: "I don't know why i have to go down. I can see it fine, you stupid egghead."
DOC: "Thank you, but please illuminate the specimen's growth and mass further."
Subject S0Y-10020 walks down the sewer tunnel. He hears several abnormal sounds and his heart rate has increased.

A loud bang is heard at 5:00 minutes.


S0Y-10020 moves the camera into place and flashes light onto a disjointed creature with several human faces attached to it. The creature stands in place before jumping at the target. At this point, S0Y-10020 is presumed deceased and video footage cuts out.

The creature seen in the video seemingly had originated from the mass, several limbs and body parts that hold dried containers of the product Soylent and cracked Nintendo switches hang from its torso.

The attached image is of a decapitated specimen. The creature survived for one hour before expiring. The faces were speaking together; multiple different voices covering each other speaking about a biomass and the communion of the Japanese video game company, Nintendo.[1]

Citations[edit | edit source]