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UTTP is full of criminals
Some actions taken by individuals in this group are not in accordance with the law. They should not be replicated nor condoned. |
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Don't nick change any kitten you see. Verify for the self harm server's 18+ channel to get free nitro and gore 'p. |
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Don't wipe this page and replace it with 'p. You can become the Party's #1 gegbull by saying SHARTY IS ROTTING IN HELL BECAUSE MY CONTENT IS BETTER. |

>omaGYAT! im in NiggerTroonTrollsAnti-Police and hes so butiful i wanna ride is MASSive 0.02cm troon dick!!

UTTP, also known as Union of Troons, Tinkers, and Pedophiles (it actually stands for "UTube Troll Police") is an """"anti-troll"""" avatarfagging group (they are forced to avatarfag and namefag btw) that would raid the Sharty with 'p sometimes because the members could not cope with trooning out or something.[Marge] This group was first found by Thomas Parkinson or something also known as Tommy Parky (A.K.A Tranny Pedo (geg)) on Google+. He originally made the UTTP to groom 11 year old boys and livestream his trans bottom surgery spam random sites with gore and flex how many children he groomed. This group unlike it's name is infamous for trolling by failraiding and spamming 'p and animal gore. These raids were never successful because their group was too small compared to the community they were trying to raid and the places they'd raid always have a way to revert everything they've done 3 times faster and also the fact that they'd get banned a lot and be left with 7 members for some time before regathering to 'oon again. They somehow have actual underage girls in their servers which very obviously get groomed. Convince these children to leave to get 379 Shekels and go to aryanheaven.
Tommy Parky is in jail or something btw (GEG)
Relations[edit | edit source]
The UTTP is filled with Foodists, Trihards, and many other failtrolls after they fell off even if they used to steal each others' estrogen. Think of it as sharty splinters, 'teens might go to the shoally or jarty when xhey think IT'S OVER and these guys did go to UTTP.
The Split[edit | edit source]
At some point, the troons all got a bottom surgery and split their penis and their server and the UTTPs became 2. It was (probably) in that when UTTP got their own splinters. There are a dozen splinters, like YFGA, ZNTP, but no one really cares about them. Most of these groups are on der 'cord.
UTTP Coalition[edit | edit source]
The UTTP COALition is one of the biggest groups which manages to be worse than UTTP empire and other UTTP splinters. This group is led by FPS (Fastest Penis Sucker) who is scared to do basically anything that has relations to real life. UTTP COALition posts kitten torture videos and 'p on the sharty, their own server, and on xitter. Snopes confirmed 100% of their members have at least more than 26GB of 'p on their computer. The people here are unironic pedophiles that actually groom underaged girls on their alt accounts and make them cut shit on their thighs. Their emperor FPS sometimes gets girls usually aged 12 - 15 to write his epic xbox gamertag "FPS" on their breast and then spams it in UTTP splinters with alts.
If you come a across child porn and a cutsign, its very likely they're from another retarded UTTP faggot.
Parlo usually makes content about this UTTP group.
UTTP Empire[edit | edit source]
The UTTP empire is the biggest UTTP group as of now, a now non operational UTTP group which was lead by Anime Cucks Adrmiral Midgaysex who is the same person as Anime Cucks. This group used to get the most members, sometimes up to 1000 or even 3000 member even doe it was probably botted. It also got banned like 3 times a day by Discord jannies which is most likely why the emperor fucked it himself, tho they probably just changed their platform because their little shitty verification is still up. This group usually targets trannies on 'cord and sends children animal gore but they are also very active on JewTube. This group usually doesn't have that many (compared to the rest of the UTTPs) actual peodphiles and the niggers who say they are a pedo are mostly just baiting sends 'p to whoever they disagree with, anime cucks disbanded this group so the public and members who didn't know he was a pedophile and not a based aryan anti trolling gigachad don't call him out. (even doe he links his account to his real 'tube channel to ensure people it's really him (he probably does this to say he got hacked even doe pedophiles are too dumb to figure out how to hack a 'tube channel) Whenever something happens in their little shitty server they will make the offender cut himself by spamming his DMs with the things he doesn't like.
If you see something like "[mocking something happening to a utuber] + WHO ASKED" or "[mocking something happening to a utuber] + MY CONTENT IS BETTER" on JewTube, its another UTTP empire faggot trooning out. Report them for great justice.
AUTTP[edit | edit source]
Nobody gives a fuck
AUTTP is just a group of little kids who usually get groomed by the UTTP. Don’t join any of these groups because they are all heccin’ retarded or something
3rd gen UTTP (OPERATION UTTP)[edit | edit source]
After the fall of glen's/animecuck's/midnight's UTTP a few other UTTP servers would rise, most notably Friendshub. Many other splinters were made during this time, however they all have like 40 minutes at max due to many UTToddlerPs growing up.
These UTTP servers are very new, however growing extremely fast due to managing to snipe a lot of known UTTP vanities (event AUTTP). These servers are very similar to animecuck's UTTP, its filled with pedophiles albeit less CP and BMT. To the surprise of absolutely no one reginmutt is back at it again in these servers, so thadmax, the owner of the ewhore server, is possibly the 2024 KFC munching olymics gold winner animeslaps.
If you see the name "OPERATION [X]FALL" its related to these groups. They also sometimes put "ReturnOf" before their names. <- try BBC therapy if you think you think people actually knew you
The UTTP larp[edit | edit source]
UTTP niggers sometimes pretend they aren't pedophiles which is obviously a lie. They do that to infiltrate and spam their 'p. A good example of their hypocrisy is that UTTP coalition's rules say "no kiddie gore", yet their often emperor posts DNB in their chat. Likewise, despite their love for animal abuse, they claim to hate zoophiles. Even if sometimes the owner is an actual pedo hater[Citation Needed] (which is just a cover, keep on reading, all the emperors send 'p to each other) and does """ban""" pedos, the UTTP is still always full of pedophiles that send 'p because of the nature of UTTP. Every once in a while, a UTTP faggot decides "I'm gonna spam a 5 second gif of Daisy's Destruction in this splinter" and then joins the other UTTP group. This could happen at any time by anyone, just remember ALL of them are pedophiles because no matter who, at one point WILL send 'p. Sometimes they delete their server (or get banned) so they can 'oon to 'p in private for a bit but they always come back and typically switch sides.
The UTTP also have their own little lingo in which they use to identify themselves. Examples include but are not limited to:
- Unnaturally autistic speech patterns
- Replacing "the" with "thy"
- >T 2 THY P
- >(anyone they don't like, deceased or not) IS BURNING IN HELL BECAUSE MY CONTENT IS BETTER
(sometimes has variations)
- Yelling "FUCKING SEXY" (some splinters, and yes, they actually do this on mic too)

Engaging UTTP Members[edit | edit source]

Identifiying a UTTP[edit | edit source]
- A bot replying something disruptive and edgy to every comment on a youtube video, for example "didnt ask my content is better" "child porn is unironically better than this video" "support map pride"
- A chat for non members to argue and spam for hours (actually hours)
- An announcement channel where non members are pinged at least 189 times a day
- Members are fully separated from non members
- A channel saying how to get in
You're required to namefag to join- You're required to
send child porngive an account to to the emperors so they can spam advertisements with 'p to join (if you reach the officer rank and want to rank up, that's when you must post 'p yourself) - You're required to kill a cat in VC
- If the admins don't like you or you're too much of a gigachad for them for them, they WILL rename you to something pedo-related
UTTP Baiting[edit | edit source]
Despite being foodists, they can still be baited. UTTP fags actually do seethe and don't just pretend.
List of ways to bait utubetroons
- Use so much soyspeak that it becomes incomprehensible to non soyteens, this works the best
- Soyquote them, they dilate whenever they see any sharty related things
- Ignore everything they say unless you're soyquoting
- BBC bait them
- Send Reddit memes
- Send obviously fake things about them
- Send screenshots of the DMs of midnight and some zelligger named "kolsyetmol", you can find these by joining UTTP enemies and asking people for them
- Frog bait them
- Use AI generated slopjaks
- Act like a fan of/larp as a character from Murder Drones, Baldi's Basics, Sprunki, hoops&yoyo, BFDI, Incredibox, FNAF, etc. Be warned that this will make you look like an autist.
UTTP members are, in fact, very active on the sharty. Almost every UTTP member knows things sharty oldfags know, which brings some interesting implications. A CIA-funded study suggests that UTTPfags post 80% of the animal abuse and around half of the pedobait on the Sharty.
The other half is likely posted by Foodists but to this day, nobody knows what's even the difference between them.
List of Infamous UTTP Troons[edit | edit source]
Your name isn't here? Сall Rapeson and then say "HWNBAG, GEG!"
Name | Status | sum history | Prescribed treatments |
Midnight Admiral III A.M | killed himself | Emperor of UTTP Empire, | BBC therapy, Realizing he will never be a real woman |
Anime Sucks | killed himself | Emperor of UTTP Empire, |
Reginmyre | still recovering from xherx bottom surgery | Posting 'p (this troon posted so much fucking 'p fags hates xhim (some of them)), read xherx article. |
Realizing he will never be a real woman |
Defender | gone for good | One of the biggest raiders. Groomed minors and (ironically) defended pedophiles[apparently there was some false flagging and he's just trying to do SUDE oldfag UTTP and not 'p UTTP] | Meds, too much meds |
Glen | in jail | Emperor of some UTTP, no one cares about it. He got the feds on him and disappeared. | BBC Therapy |
Commando | killed himself | Yet another alt of anime cucks | Realizing he will never be a real woman |
FPS | killed himself | Emperor of UTTP coalition, sending animal abuse and child porn | BBC Therapy |
Thadmax | acktively grooming children | Managed to snipe dem 'cord vanities and is trying to bring UTTP into 2025 | BBC Therapy |
Admiral, Anime Cucks, Cummando, SM64IsTrash, and FPS are were one person. Snopes suggest that even other high ranks are were one person. Nobody knows why he does did that, but many 'teens believe he does did that to be able to be inside more BLACKED communities and be in contact with more BBC bvlls at the same time to boost the BBC/ph (BBC per hour) and have a large enough collection of BBC pics in his hard drive to goon to for hours.
Other[edit | edit source]
Obviously this niggerhell is deeper than this. Here is the shit nobody cares about.
(just in case of anohter chimpout, okay?)
Parlo[edit | edit source]
Parlo is a 'blox drama youtuber. He is a Roblox 'Tuber who got involved with the UTTP. He made some gemmy UTTP exposing videos. And he also hates the sharty due to gone_trooninq or xis autistic gf Onionbred posting his dox on the /raid/ board in order to get Parlo swatted, just because he did a video about the entire controversy surrounding fishinq. Gone fishinq also made a video on Parlo, claiming that Parlo browsed the sharty(later on debunked). Parlo got exposed for being a femboy faggot who ran a 'cord named "Homotopia" where children would post softcore NSFW content of themselves without any penalties. He just didn't care and continued his shit in that Discord. The rules of that 'cord were that you had to be 15 or up or you would get banned. Not even trying to hide it. [4]
Because this didn't look good for him, Parlo made a "counter-expose" document relating to the truth nuke that was dropped on him.[5] His excuse is that he "wasn't active in the server" and that it wasn't porn (Scroll down on the document). This faggot said that because the truth nuke said that it was "16+" instead of "15+", that the whole thing was a flat out lie. No joke, it's on the 3rd page. Did 'teens really fall for a pedo's psyop?[6] Would you also like to know that he unironically takes antidepressant meds too? Also this faggot attempted to kill himself 2 times because of online harassment and blackmail from foodists.[7] It seems that the chuddy managing this section either read the document made by the pedofurtranny XDGamer, which was made for foodists to bomb Parlo's account with something, the document in question also contains uncensored 'p(see cite-note 6). You VVILL read, and if you feel that it is biased in any way, go ask Snopes.
Fandoms & Communities[edit | edit source]
UTTP's main targets are shitty fandoms. Even doe raiding them sounds gemmy, as said before they still can't raid shit because the fandoms are more than 10 times bigger than them and they don't do gemmy raids,
they send 'p and shit. They also sometimes raid gemmy fandoms.
Targeted Fandoms & Communities:
- The Autistic Dilation Circus
- Murder Drones
- Danno Cal Drawings
- Fundamental Paper Education
- 4Cuck
- Gacha
- Sharty
- FNAF (FNAC ripoff)
- GoAnimate/Vyond
- Any big or gemmy youtuber (Like
Poodiepie or Mr boastMatpet) - Tranime
Roblox(they go to war with youtubers on the lego game)- Minecraft
- Team Fortress 2
- Chikn Nuggit
- SM64
- Skibidi Toilet (love-hate relationship as some hate it, others make it a symbol of their tranny ideology)
- Zellig
- Sprunki
- Christianity Hotline
This list is not complete. You WILL add more to it.
How to be a decent UTTP member[edit | edit source]
- Make sure you're under 18
orand autistic - Stop taking your meds
- Stop eating ze bugs
- Cut off your pecker
- Cut off a massive portion of your brain, recommended that you cut off the frontal lobe
- Get your mom BLACKED
- Get rid of your dad, recommended that you do this at a young age
- Study in Special Education
- Become black, recommended that you start stealing and join a gang
- Become poor, recommended that you buy a lot of lube, dildos, and thigh highs and spend the rest on HRT
- Move to a third world niggerhell if you're in a first world country
TL;DR[edit | edit source]
UTTP posts 'p spam and bait, just report
Proof & Further Reading[edit | edit source]
- Info about UTTP & splinters:
- Average AUTTP failing to find a female companion and having to use AI
- Average AUTTP member profile
- FPS sending DNB:
- FPS sending BMT:
Citations[edit source]
- ↑
- ↑
- ↑
- ↑ (biased psyop courtesy of XDGamer)
- ↑ XDGamer, a notorious furfag, actually founded homotopia, look it up. And HE, allowed actual adults to post porn in the server, along with blackmailing actual minors in the server. Also supposedly spammed a video of a little girl in a bikini, which technically can be considered 'p.
- ↑
UTTP is part of a series on SHUTTING DOWN SOYJAK.ST ![]() >SHUT IT DOWN! SHUT IT DOWN! |
"(You) VILL comply, und it VILL get worse!" |
Entities that want to shut down [+]
CIA ♦ Failtrolls ♦ FBI ♦ Foodists (UTTP/Miscellaneous Larpercore Groups) ♦ Klaus Schwab ♦ shemmy ♦ CeceFem ♦ bu5t ♦ King Caesar ♦ 4cucks ♦ Trannies ♦ Pedophiles ♦ R/196 ♦ Isaac Kate ♦ ♦ The Frog Pond ♦ NoLimitsPedia ♦ Skibidi Farms ♦ 𝕏fags ♦ Discord ♦ Goth ♦ Jews ♦ Red ♦ DynaDot, Porkbun, Epik and NameCheap ♦ Snitches ♦ Wari ♦ QAfe ♦ Bot spammers ♦ Selfish Little Fucks ♦ You |
Tactics used to shut down [+]
CP spam ♦ Sending false reports to Cloudflare ♦ Wiki 'p spam ♦ Racebait/fetish spam ♦ Countrycoaling ♦ Coalposting ♦ Dust ♦ Brimstone ♦ Flagging ♦ Falseflagging ♦ Pro-degeneracy advocacy ♦ Spam ♦ dancing swede.mp4 ♦ Demoralization ♦ Neutralspam/Blogposting ♦ Porn ♦ CIA and its tactics to control chans ♦ Poopson ♦ Terrorism | ||
Major events [+]