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Zoomer derangement syndrome

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You WILL remind these uncs that newGODS won.
Zoomer Derangement Syndrome
>Do zoomers reall-ACK
SymptomsUncontrollable seething, creation of shitty threads, Persistent Intrusive Cerebral Occupancy Syndrome
TreatmentNot enough data
FrequencyMost 4cuck users born before 1997

Zoomer Derangement Syndrome (ZDS) is a mental illness characterized by extreme contempt for people born after the year 1996 and their culture. The disorder mostly affects 4chan users born before that year, especially those who pride themselves on being "oldfags". Most of those affected complain that zoomers consume different media than they did when they were young.

Those affected often have the compulsion to bring up zoomers out of nowhere and to create shitty threads blaming them for literally everything.[1] While disdain for newer generations goes back thousands of years,[2] those suffering from ZDS insist that zoomers are really that bad and that they aren't just getting old.

Quite a couple of self-hating zoomers who desperately wish they experienced le good old daze of the internet have this also.

After DQNALD TRVMP won the 2024 US election with a high amount of support from zoomers (particularly guys)[3], leftist millennial redditors also acquired ZDS. They created a subreddit to hate zoomers for being bigoted chudcels and eating hamburgers instead of the tacos or whatever.[4]

Gallery[edit | edit source]

Cures[edit | edit source]

Sadly even with Dr. Soyberg's best efforts this mental illness has no cure. But it can hopefully be treated by the following:

  • Posting Gen Aryan slang
  • Remind them that millennials started more shitty movements and make up most Redditors
  • Remind them that zoomers aren't going to play your outdated nostalgia shit because it's poorly aged, not because they simply do not "understand it"
  • Extensive medical BBC vaccine therapy
  • Playing Aryan games like Roblox, Fortniteeven doe it's niggerslop with no lore, and Minecrafteven doe the new versions are troonslop or something notch said

Citations[edit source]

Zoomer derangement syndrome
is part of a series on
Mental health
Illnesses and Conditions [-+]
Treatments [-+]

BBC therapyMedsDoctor's orders ♦ Eating the Bugs ♦ finding Jesus ♦ Landscape TherapyMeditationMental Asylum