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Amerimutt, also known as Amerishart or Shart in the mart is a co-opted /pol/ meme turned into a 'jak by /soy/, or something. He is a representation of what non-Americans think of Americans, or something like that. It is commonly used for spamming bait on the sharty, or something. The meme itself is a direct deviation of the Le 56% Face meme from /pol/, or whatever. Amerimutt is known to be a high school dropout and highly illiterate in regards to politics, geography, technology, the literal definition of illiteracy etc. Amerimutt is also known to have millions of reward points with McDonald's, as he goes there multiple times a day or something like that, yeah.
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Major Events
- Cobson steals the [s4s] 12000000 GET.
- Froot just wiped his nose.
- User:SprokemowerMan is now head admin of this wiki.
- The Pedocaust and Operation Nigger Madness.
About This Wiki
Soyjak Wiki is a community-driven knowledge base featuring independently fact-checked and peer-reviewed information about soyjaks, imageboard culture, and many other topics. To get started, simply create an account, and you're free to go!
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Did You Know...
- That there are full snapshots of the sharty from June 2022 and August 2023?
- That you can see all the banners here?
- That the Soy Community has many unsolved mysteries?
- That there is a secret page here in the Sharty?
- That Max is universally considered the worst admin in the history of the 'party? (Worse than Captain Coal even)
- That Cobson is Irish-American?
- That soyteens are constantly going through mass hysteria?
- That posting the text "" anywhere on 4chan gets you an automatic 3-day ban?
- That you can evade the ban above by typing "" because it gets filtered to ""?
- That the world record for the longest soyduel in history clocked in at 6077 replies and lasted almost a month?
- That jannies do it for free?
- That Nojak died in Ukraine?
Gem New Articles
The Lawnmower Man (Soundtrack) • Say the line, Wojak • Soyjak Tiktok Stories • Schlog Queer Of The Year Election
Articles That Need Help
Daylight Cycle • Soot • Doll • Nigger Cow • Mud • Canada • Sproketan • Tewi • Abortion Lover • Shadowjak
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