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Portal:Soyjak variants

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Welcome to the Soyjak variants Portal

Fisheyejak is a variant which depicts a man doing a funky pose in front of a high-fov camera, a trope commonly used in Y2K era media. Straight out of the 2000s or something.

Despite being anti-aliased it has like 2 gemmy edits. It's popular on the 'ru but oddly not at the sharty. It's also worth mentioning it's the first jak from the booru that sometimes gets posted on /soy/, usually by booru newfags.

On October 15th, 2023, some nigger uploaded an image to the 'ru depicting Flartson and Fisheyejak in an intimate scene of making out. Some more edits were made of the couple including their offspring. This AIDs-ridden coal was utilized during Operation Reality which resulted in a gemmy image of a woman staring upon an Israel X Palestine edit with the text "Make love, not war" plastered on it. This further proves the fact that coal can be turned into a gem under the right conditions.

3kliksjak5'6 jakקורנליוס האיוםA24 Slow-Burn SoyjakAbortion LoverAliciaAngryjakBerndCatjakChugsjakClassic SoyjakCobbertCoinjakCobsonCryboy SoyjakDarkiplierDnBjakDubbbzjakEl Perro RabiosoET SoyjakFatjakFeraljakFisheyejakFlartsonGapejakHawleyjakImhotepImpish Soyak EarsIts Out Get In HereJarboyKuzjakMamesonMarkiplier SoyjakMaxjakMeximuttNojakNotejakNpestajakNorwegian SoyjakPlatejakPissluffarePPPReaction SoyjakRupturejakShirtjakShotjakSidsonSmugjakSnoojakSobotSprokejakTewiTony Soprano SoyjakTwo Soyjaks PointingVariant:Unknown


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